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Posts posted by kenstr527

  1. wanting to make rows or columns using trail effect or any other similar effect. i have gotten it to work in lower size canvases and lower image size. is there a reason why it wont work with bigger images or bigger canvases. when i use bigger it just does a trail not the whole image repeated like i did before. any suggestions? thanks

  2. i am curious is there a way to resize designs without maintaining aspect ratio and also without distorting the design. lets say going from 2400 by 3200 pixels to 4500 by 5400 pixels 300 ppi. what zoom level would be best to test out how bad distortion/pixelation is so i know if it would work or should it be somewhat same over all zoom levels. i also notice resizing program on the net but would like to stick with the program that i designed them with.

  3. ok thanks i used wand and union selection. it worked on some but not others. some effects affected the outside of the text and some affected inside of text which is what i was going for. others did a square cover but i was able to move selected letters with effect and cut out the leftovers. thanks for your responses    one of the mistakes i made was not switching colors prior to effects so i could see what  was going on lol.

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