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Posts posted by mark88

  1. Wow thanks everyone!!  That certainly answers my questions.


    "Layers" were mentioned here.  That made me think of a follow-up question, regarding layers.



    I'll be working on a project where there will be lots of different additions to each page of artwork... text in different places, little drawings etc.  All on top of a background which is a photo.


    So, I was thinking that it would be good for me to use layers, as every individual aspect of the art can be moved, worked on, or deleted entirely, without affecting the rest of the picture, as long as each part has its own layer.


    So, my questions are


    1.  Am I correct in my understanding of what layers do?


    2.  Is there any disadvantage at all (besides possibly file size, which I don't care about) to using layers?



  2. Thank you.  


    When I try to save a (blank) file, autodetect is saving at 2.4kb, which is the same as 8 bit.  But 32 bit is saving at 8.2 kb.   But still, auto-detect is the one I should use for maximum quality?  Just making sure.


    Also... thats very interesting about PNG vs. PDN.  In fact, I was hoping to use layers sometimes.  So, PDN is better for a picture with layers - it will save at higher quality?  And, later on, is it easy to convert to jpg or png without losing quality?


    And I assume that I should not touch the dithering and transparency (set at 7 and 128), if I want highest possible quality?


    Thank you!!

  3. Hello,


    I'm a new user to this program.  It seems great, Im excited to learn it.


    I was about to save a file and I'm presented with 3 settings:  bit depth, dithering level, and transparency threshold.


    I want to save files at the highest quality possible, I dont care about the file sizes.


    So...............  should I save with the bit depth of 32 bit, or leave it at auto detect?


    Also, it doesn't appear that I can change the dithering level and transparency threshold (set at 7, and 128).  Should I just leave them the way they are?


    Finally, it wants to save as a .png file.  Should I leave it like that, or would there be any advantage (or disadvantage) if I save it as a .jpg file instead?


    Thank you and sorry for the absolute newbie-ness of my questions.  Not only am I new to this program but also to terms related to images such as dithering and transparency so this is confusing to me.


    Thanks very much for any help!!!

  4. Hi,


    I'd like to ask about the easiest and/or best way to rotate text, to different angles of my choice.  There's advice about it near the bottom of this old thread




    which is locked.


    For the current version of paint.net, should I just follow the advice at the bottom of this thread, or is there a better way?  (I'd like to be able to do it in such a way that the background is transparent, so the picture I will be overlaying the text onto will still be visible).


    Thank you for any advice!!

  5. So I investigated TR's spline master effect.  Hm!  Inetresting.  So, this is something with which I can create a line drawing, and then overlay it onto various photos, rezing as I see fit?  Cool...  how do I get and install it?  


    Is this something I can also do within paint.net, without using TR's spline master effect... creating a line drawing and overlaying it onto various photos at different sizes?  For example, a stick figure of a man, exactly the same figure, but pasted onto different backgrounds, at various sizes...?


    thank you!!

  6. Hi all,


    Thank you very much for your helpful replies!


    The drawings I want to make will be over photographs that I want to remain unaltered.  So, for this reason I am thinking that gossamer might not be what I am looking for because it would alter the background as well, right?


    The line/curve tool might not be as flexible as I'd like... as I'd like to be able to make a line "freely".  ALthough I dont have paint.net installed on the computer I'm currently writing on so I'm not sure, will try it later.


    How about TR's spline master effect... that looks promising?  Can you use it while freely drawing with the mouse?  If so... I;d appreciate advice about how to get and install it, if it isnt already installed in paint.net.


    And thank you again for your help.  I may have some other questions as well, as I plan to use paint.net for a project I'm working on.


    BTW I have to say, looks like the ipad pro would be an awesome device to draw on with their pencil stylus.  But it aint cheap!  I guess Im considering getting a stylus to work with the ipad air.  I'd like to see if I can be successful with paint.net and a mouse first, though.


    Is it common for people to draw high quality pictures on a computer with a mouse, or is it almost always with a stylus?

  7. Hi,


    thanks for your comment.


    I checked, its set the right way.


    I'll attach a test of what im getting.  The % is what the hardness is set at.


    Does this look normal to you?  


    It occurs to me that using a mouse, maybe this is the best it/I can do.  For sure its better than microsoft paint, right?


    Is there another way I can draw, without using the mouse, that might be easier?  This is a WIndows 7 PC, without a touchscreen.  Maybe something like a stylus and a trackpad, where I could look at the screen and draw with my hand... though that might be awkward, I dont know...?



  8. Hi,


    I'm a total newbie, I just downloaded this program today for the first time.  I downloaded it because I am trying to draw over photographs using paintbrush.  Using ms paint, the lines/curves were very jagged.  Using paint.net, the lines/curves seem noticably better (right?), but I can still see some jagged edges.  Is there any way I can reduce or eliminate this, while still being able to freely move the mouse around and draw whatever I like? 


    I have noticed that reducing the "hardness" seems to help, but then the line gets a little fuzzy.  Is this the best way to reduce jagged edges... to find a good spot on the "hardness" scale, where its not too fuzzy but not too jaggy?  Or are there other, better ways?

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