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Posts posted by TheNewbiePainter

  1. Hi @NewbiePainter.


    They look really cute and ...... yes, small.  As @Toe said, you can enlarge them for viewing by using - Image - Resize and set the top box Resampling to Nearest Neighbour, then go to Pixel width and Height and change the size.


    I made an owl recently and this is how I made it larger for showing ....... example below.



    Okay, thanks very much! This did not work before but now it has done... How unusual! Thanks again, and to you, even though it didn't work last time, @toe_head2001 !

  2. I made these characters from a game called Terraria: Terraria_zpsgcgvob5m.png?t=1445600683(sorry for size issue on this on. I tried to re-size it, but it went funny and blurry).

    This from my head but in the same style: PumpkinMan_zpsnvhfftht.png?t=1445600675

    And this also from my head but in a smoothic style instead: Halloween%20Pixel%20Art_zpsmwbo476y.png?

    Any advice?

  3. The text much too blurry and distorted. It took me a few seconds to understand it as "R3V0LUTION"


    Why is it that only one of the characters has a shadow?


    A skeleton with a archery bow riding a giant spider? :lol:

    Thanks! they told me to make it distorted, but, admittedly, I may have gone a bit over the top! :P

    Only one of the characters has a shadow, because, baisically I couldn't figure out how to do it for the others in the same way. (Any tips on that would be greatly appreciated  :) ) The characters are all Minecraft characters, because the YouTuber specializes in Minecraft videos. The skeleton riding the spider is called a spider jockey, and one of the rarest (and most deadly!) mobs (creatures) in the game. The YouTuber loves this mob for some reason, so I included it. :P thanks for the advice!

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