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Posts posted by fourchette

  1. in fact. I jut figured...

    "maaan you've been using the software for 10+ years, nearly everyday. never said thank you... never said anything in fact.

    you post a question for something silly most ppl absolutely don't care about... and the guy offers a code fix...."


    I felt a bit ashamed of myself to be honest. So I just sent a small donation. it's not much, but it should pay you a beer or two 😉

    • Like 1
  2. oh wow! thanks!


    at least, i'm happy that it wasn't me not using the software correctly.


    indeed a simple command line parameter would do the trick. that's exactly what I had in mind. I was willing to dive in the code to offer you a pull request. but then I found out that my favorite imaging software that i've been using and recommanding to friend for 10+ years is no longer open source! And when I read why => https://blog.getpaint.net/2007/12/04/freeware-authors-beware-of-“backspaceware”/

    I was really outraged!


    Again thanks a lot for your feedback. I'll wait for some comments here. 😊 (and yes I have notifications enabled)






  3. Hello,


    I use greenshot to make screenshots. I use it all the time. I configured greenshot to open the screenshot file in paint.net

    so it will typically run a command line like 

    "C:\Program Files\paint.net\paintdotnet.exe" "{0}" (where "{0}" is the filename of the image)

    => and then bang, paint.net comes in the frontview. which is something really annoying. 


    I tried using a bat file that starts pdn minimzed:

    START /MIN "" "C:\Program Files\paint.net\paintdotnet.exe" 

    => to no avail. pdn still goes in the forefront instead of being minimized 😔


    So I tried with a VB script to start a silence shell and use the intWindowStyle

    option of the Run command as documented there => https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/d5fk67ky(v=vs.80)?redirectedfrom=MSDN

    set s = createobject("WScript.Shell")
    's.run """C:\Program Files\paint.net\paintdotnet.exe""", 2
    's.run """C:\Program Files\paint.net\paintdotnet.exe""", 7       
    s.Run chr(34) & "C:\Program Files\paint.net\paintdotnet.exe" & Chr(34), 2

    I basically tried all possible values from 0 to 10 => in all cases the pdn just ignores the value and its main window just come in forefront. 😔


    I also notice in MS documentation: 


    Optional. Integer value indicating the appearance of the program's window. Note that not all programs make use of this information.


    I also tried using the minimized option of a shortcut towards pdn => to no avail. pdn just ignores it entirely. (screenshot below) 😞


    => How can I start pdn without its main UI coming in the forefront?






  4. Hello,


    reproduced with paint.net  3.510.4297.28964


    There are some TGA files that I can open with Photoshop, Apple Preview and TGA viewer (http://tgaviewer.com/) that when i try to open them in paint.net are simply blank.

    As if the image was filled with transparent values.


    Attached is an exemple of such TGA files. They are generated by a thrid party program (capture of HDMI 1080p60 stream).

    I am guessing they used a somehow more liberal use of TGA file format that the current paint.net TGA implementation does not correctly understand.

    Whereas photoshop (and other) maybe implement the complete TGA specification.


    Can it be fixed in paint.net somehow ?





    edit :cant attach the file. two links instead




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