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Posts posted by Kawax

  1. OK, just got further with this.

    It is actually Excel that makes the dot/comma conversion.  Word keeps the dot of hte numpad.  So contrary to what I thought, it is Excel that makes something more, not paint.net that makes something less.

    I have a French keyboard (from...France) and it seems that with that keyboard layout the dot remains a dot.  I would I have a Belgian French keyboard, I would be able to choose a dot or comma for the numpad. 


    Conclusion: it is not related to paint.net.

    Many thanks to have pointed me into this direction. I now know I have to be smarter or change keyboard ...




  2. Ok,

    Checked and everything is OK.  Tried to paste a screenshot of regional settings from paint.net, but the forum does not allow that kind of image paste.

    Also, applications like the Office Suite don't pose this kind of problem as mentioned. That's why I'm guessing this happens at dotnet level. But if you get a different result,here it begins...

    For info, I'm using Windows 8.1 with Office Suite 2013 and paint.net 4.0.5



  3. Dear,


    Not a big deal but not cool neither.


    On a common keyboard, you can use the dot from the numpad to indicate decimals (2.30).  In some regional settings such as French, the decimals are separated by a comma  (2,30)


    For some apps, this has no impact as the dot from the numpad becomes automatically a comma under these regional settings (e.g. Office Suite).  For paint.dotnet, the dot remains a dot, so when you type with the numpad, the numbers come with a dot where it should be a comma.  So you have to type with the numpad and get the "common" comma on the keyboard.  Not so user friendly.


    Moreover, if you forget this and type a number with the dot from the  numpad, you may get into trouble.   For instance, if you change the width or height in the Resize dialog box, paintdotnet will show a dgbox "Resize" with a progress bar and saying it is initialising and then it'll start looping until the lazy Cancel button reacts to your (numerous) demands.  Definitely not cool.


    So, if you are able to fix this in a future version, you will have all the gratitude of the comma-countries !


    Kind regards,



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