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Posts posted by mpainter

  1. February 19, 2015


    Paint.net Forum,

    I'm an amateur painter, image creator and have been a Paint.net user for nearly a decade. I've used  Paint.net for a majority of the work I do, along with Gimp and other assorted paint programs.


    I enjoy using Paint.net for the many things it can do, for its simplicity and yet its ability to handle more complex creations, having received many compliments, accolades on my artistry, and am never hesitant to recommend Paint.net as the artistic tool of of choice to friends, associates, colleagues.


    It has been a terrible ordeal simply just  'thinking' about the time and resources I've squandered using every new update you offer, having endured the quirky, unpredictable and maddeningly inconsistent painting process that has been an incredibly troublesome and annoying experience without you ever informing your less intelligent users of the issues regarding your newest, latest, greatest, best paint program ever. I always thought there was techniques i hadn't bothered to master, never having the the time to get a handle on the situation to discover what exactly is possessing the program to such  bizarre and troublesome behavior. 


    Yes, I certainly blame myself for being so undetermined, stubborn to find out exactly why the program has been so screwy.


    Well, today you might say,is the first day of my new amateur career after the epiphany that revealed itself to let me know the previous numerous program updates have been UN-STAY-BULL.


    Wow. What a revelation, this  after only a few years of pulling my hair out and devising new  Rube Goldberg-esque  alternative methods in my continued self-flagellating use of Paint.net's newest most up to date paint program ever.  Well, I am now using  3.51 or something like that and am in creative heaven.


    After installing it the retro-program and  getting the URGENT message to update the program now or later, my blood pressure shot up about 40 points and thinking to myself, WoW! What unmitigated gall!


    The Absolutely Positively Very Best To You All



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