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Posts posted by FinnTroll

  1. Running Windows XP and using the internet is a risky business, very prone to all kinds of viruses and other nasty things

    Stop saying this, as it's simply not true.

    Those folks who don't know what they are doing will get "viruses and other nasty things" (including the dreaded "life-altering identity theft") using whatever Windows they have, be it 7, 8, or 100500.

    Those who do know what they are doing are perfectly fine with whatever OS/Paint.NET version they are getting their work done with.

    BTW, your documentation still says


    Minimum Requirements
    • Windows 7 (recommended)
    • or Windows Vista
    • or Windows XP (SP2 or later)
    • .NET Framework 3.5 SP1

    Fix it or something, already.

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