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Posts posted by mazer1310

  1. You were using a beta (β). Betas expire. This is because they are buggy, and those bugs get fixed, and it's not good for anyone to have my inbox flooded with bug reports for things that've long-since been fixed.


    Hi Rick,


    Although I appreciate the sentiment, the approach that you have for the autoupdate was overly aggressive.  When I started Paint .Net, I was informed that there was a new version available.  I was only given two options:  1. Install right now.  2. Install when the application exits.


    I thought to myself, "well, that stinks!" I'm on a cellular modem sitting at an airport, waiting for a flight, but Paint .NET isn't a huge application, so that shouldn't be a problem.


    However, when I went to exit the program, the next thing that happened was :

    Installing .NET Framework 4.5.2

    Installing Paint .NET <whichever version>


    My immediate thought was, "uh oh.  I'd better cancel this."  Unfortunately, the cancel button was disabled.  So, after 16 hours of installation, hundreds of megabytes funneled through my cellular plan (fortunately, I have unlimited data on my cell phone plan), and my laptop churning it's harddrive and preventing any decent performanc for other work, I finally was upgraded.


    I would suggest one additional option for the auto-upgrade:  Install later.  I appreciate that you're trying to get people on the latest to avoid bug reports, however, you don't know where the user is going to be, whether they will be connected on a slow connection, a connection with data limits, or a connection where they are forced to pay for the data quantity, so only allowing the user to update immediately is unreasonable.

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