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Posts posted by fr3shb4ng

  1. Hey everyone,


    I re-enacted old photos of mine and want the new versions to look like the 20-year-old pictures. Since I'm a beginner in photo editing, adjusting all the colours, contrast, saturation, brightness, etc. by myself never brings up satisfying results. Especially adjusting features only in specific parts of the image (e.g.: make the background darker) seems quite complicated... My questions now are the following:


    1. In Paint.NET, is it possible, to somwhow read out the features of the old picture and use those as basis for the new one? Something like creating a mask of the old Image's look and putting it over the new one? Maybe there is a plugin for that, I don't know...
    2. How can I adjust only specific areas of the photo (like using less contrast and brightness in the background and brighten my face instead)? Selecting those parts via the slingshot- or magic stick- tool creates too clear borders and visible transitions between them and their surroundings...

    I'd be thankful for any tips and tricks! ;)

    Best regards,


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