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  1. Thanks! Grid Warp may work, although I'll have to run it through a couple of times at different grid sizes to move stuff as much as I want. I assume that means that there's nothing that allows you to either set your own move points or set them along an outline?
  2. Is there a way to increase the number of points and directions in which you can stretch or shape an image? I can use the magic wand or lasso tool to select an outline of my image but I can still only stretch or manipulate it on the eight points around the square selection tool. Is there a plugin or something that adds manipulation points along the irregular outline? The only similar thing I could find in my search was the PowerStretch plugin, but it doesn't seem to be available anymore. The Shapemaker tool allows you to manipulate an outline, but as far as I can tell it's just the outline or shape - it wouldn't affect anything within the area. I may just not know the correct vocabulary to use in my question, so I apologize if this question doesn't make sense.
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