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Brightness/ Darkness to Alpha

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What is it?

For a long time I have used tools like Alpha Mask to rid myself of Brightness and Darkness, however this only worked when removing Black and White. This is obviously not any help when working with a full color image in Paint.NET thus I have created a work up that will turn Brightness or Darkness into pure transparent goodness!


The User Interface

The interface, as seen above, is simple. The checkbox when checked will destroy brightness and when unchecked will destroy darkness. As well, the strength determines how much darkness or brightness will be destroyed.



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You need to implement the choice of which to destroy in a different way. Looking at the UI it makes little sense, and makes me read the whole description which so many users don't do (Take a look at GD). Do you have access to radio buttons? That would be superb.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former"

[ dA Paint.NET Chat :: Yata on dA ]

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Hopefully there will be a lot more with the release of CodeLab ;)

@Yata; As said, I am only limited to IndirectUI, actually the IndirectUI that CodeLab supports. There is the possibility, however, that if you wish I can branch of the Brightness/ Darkness by Color Channels giving more control over the image and possibly more control over it.


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