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Too many tuts are getting locked...

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Dup subject to background, motion blur.

Yeah, I see 1 extra step Pixelate.

Have users become so lazy or unwilling to think of/try new methods/ideas.

That every single step/idea have to be in tutorial form?

Or every extra step need another tut?

Teach people how to fish or fish for them?

Sorry, I have to agree with David on this one.


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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Did you see my links? GOOD TUTS ARE GETTING LOCKED. And I am not saying they are good because I suck at PDN. Trust me, I may not be able to compete with Ash or Jake2K, but I don't think my art is exactly noob. Look at my sig for proof. Yes, I used Polar Inversion for it, but is it even visible? NO. I AM NOT A N00B.

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The one at viewtopic.php?f=15&t=24464. It is actually quite professional looking, but was locked just because it was a "duplicate" (improvement) of another tutorial!

That tut should have been locked just for doing the whole tut in an image. Why should the reader suffer from having to try and read the image to understand it.

Now back on track. Tutorials would not be getting locked so often if people just "Read the Rules and Guidelines". But people offen don't or do but don't think they apply to them. If your not willing to play ball with everyone else then why should everyone else play ball with you ?

I sorry but I just don't feel the same way about killing of tutorials with duplicates that are a little better. Instead of trying to kill of the tutorial you should try contacting the creator of the real tutorial and suggesting he / she fix this or that and add this and that. Some tutorial makers find it upsetting to see someone else copy there tutorial word for word and then add one or two things in it and then claim it to be 100% theres. I know I am one of them. I seen someone copy my fonts tutorial word for word and then add one more step for adding fonts that wont work for PDN to it using the same steps again with one word being .ttf change to another format. They posted it as a topic which got locked, so then they posted it in my fonts tutorial topic and told people to contact them instead. I don't know if you know what that feels like but it does not feel good. I am happy we have such good mods here at PDN, such as David, Ash, and Boltbait who don't get enough credit for all there hard work. There keeping this place neat.

As for people looking away from topics because there locked I can't say thats all true. I find there to many tutorials to go through. So if I can't find it on the 1st or 2nd page I do a search on the effect I am looking for in tutorials. I can't tell a topic is locked untill I go in it and view it because search only shows me output. I also found that in the tutorial part of the forums that I don't look at the icon to see if it is locked or not. Only time I look at them is if there orange and I only look at them then because they catch my eye.

//Don't take any of that as an attack. It just my opinion and feelings on the matter, I understand that the part about duplicates may sound like an attack but its not. It just gets to me.

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Did you see my links? GOOD TUTS ARE GETTING LOCKED. And I am not saying they are good because I suck at PDN. Trust me, I may not be able to compete with Ash or Jake2K, but I don't think my art is exactly noob. Look at my sig for proof. Yes, I used Polar Inversion for it, but is it even visible? NO. I AM NOT A N00B.

Nobody is saying you are noob, or did I miss something?

FYI, I use PI many many times.


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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I stand by my decision. If you think you can do a tutorial better than another, post it as a comment in the previous one.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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I may not be able to compete with Ash or Jake2K

haha that made me smile :D

As for my two cents:

There are a lot of tuts that are extremely similar to one another and if there is only one or two different steps than it is the same tut but with a personal twist, no need to go out and make another tut. Now if you come up with something that you've never seen done before and you don't think someone could figure out on there own go ahead and make a tut for it and I bet you it wont get locked.

Personally I think we should take a hint from how well the new pictorium is working and split up the tut forum into two sections: "Tutorials" and "Featured Tutorials" were you post a tut in the "Tutorials" section and if it's good enough people can pm a mod and have it moved to the "Featured Tutorials" section. That should help keep thing a bit more organized imo.


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Well for me being the new guy and I mean new I don't have a problem with something being closed because I have'nt had a problem finding what I'm looking for, Most of it is in the start of your tut and I just read on because a lot of people have added to it, but really I think the people that are modding it know when it's time to close something. can't drive over your house and do it for you right (looking around) can you hehe.

But really for the people that are making them thank you..

and if I have stepped out of line I'm sorry.

keep up the great work yall.


Captain need more power. Are more PDN hehe

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The way I see it, and I might be completely wrong, if you have an improvement to a tutorial you would post it in that tutorial instead of making an entirely new one that only adds an effect step. I don't see the value of having a rainbow, rainbow +, and a rainbow ++ set of tutorials where all that is added each time is a color band.

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Huh? It may be because I just woke up, but my attempts to decode that post are in vain. Something about running over your house, a pro-mod sentence, and a lot of what is either way to subtle sarcasm or nonsense.

Well all righty then.


Captain need more power. Are more PDN hehe

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Honestly? Without sounding rude, no, I don't.

Very simply, whether or not they conform the the guidelines and follow the basic standard, or whether people can or cannot comment on them after a lock (which commenting can benefit a tutorial greatly), the tutorial remains nonetheless. In actuality, where you are still able to view the tutorial and follow it all the same, it will still give you the opportunity to try out new methods and practices just as if it was unlocked; there is very little difference.

There we are, my view.

And after reading the rest of this thread, it has come to my attention that Mike thinks the same as I... or I the same as him... or both the same at the same time.

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We lock tutorials to prevent bickering, not to squelch new voices. Trust me, I'm sure you've seen some fights. I used to think the same as you; give it a year or so, you'll change your tune.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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By "save as jpeg" it meant that the screenshots should be JPEG. Also, the problem with saving the whole tut as an image is that people with either computers that are incredibly old and don't show pictures (I don't know if those exist, but they may do) or people with a slow computer either can't see the image, or their computer is really slowed down or even frozen by the image.

Also, this isn't relevant to this topic, vzx.

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