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  • 2 weeks later...
I like the iron man one! That one.. well.. too tall IMHO.

Thanks. The second pic is my desktop backdround.

Also, I don't know what IMHO means. >_>


Hey LiLmo like it you did a great job on it and this is a great program, I was lost at first but learning my way around it, hell I'm still lost LoL but getting better.


Captain need more power. Are more PDN hehe


Thanks moeshere. Yes, it really is a great program. Much more easier to use than adobe photoshop and the forum is very "newbie friendly". NFSmile.gif

TopHATslash: Oh. ok at first I was thinking, where's the IMHO thing so I can shrink the pic. laugh.gif


I didn't know you were Spartan Elite topHATslash -- good to know.

Anyways, to keep things on topic -- I like you pyrosig rip LIL_MO -- it looks cool - I think the background vertical lines almost look like a plastic (good comment)

Very good job -- hope to see some more from you!

"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

PDN Gallery | I Made a Deviant Art!


Thanks 007 Nab. The plastic looking background, yeah I totally did that on purpose... No I didn't. lol

Also, thanks TopHATslash for those cool tutorials. I'll try to make a cool snakeskin pic next. emotawesomepm9.gif

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