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Paintbruth and Clone Tools: Soft edges

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the clone tool, like other tools, is controlled by the alpha transparency on the colors dialog 8)

1) choose the clone tool.

(menu->clone->tools->clone stamp).

2) select brush width.

(toolbar -> brush width).

3) select alpha transparency

(menu->window->colors->[more]->transparency alpha)

a value of 255 has a crisp edge.

a value 70 has a nice feathering.

a value of 0 is completely invisible :?

NOTE: I am using the 2.6 alpha 2. :D

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  • 1 month later...
the clone tool, like other tools, is controlled by the alpha transparency on the colors dialog

I am sorry, but I must be misunderstanding something, because it doesn't seem to work.

What I have done to simulate feathering is the following:

1) Duplicate layer on background.

2) On the new layer:

3) Use rectancle select to select the center of the image (25 pixels or so to the edges)

4) Invert Selection

5) Using the Paintbrush tool to paint the selection with White.

6) Setting layer opacity to about 160.

7) Using Gaussian blur on 3.

It works, but it lacks the gradience from obscure to crisp that feathers should have.

Any ideas?

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  • 2 weeks later...

3) select alpha transparency

(menu->window->colors->[more]->transparency alpha)

a value of 255 has a crisp edge.

a value 70 has a nice feathering.

a value of 0 is completely invisible :?

With this example, at an alpha of 70, is there actually any feathering? I thought it was simply that the alpha was lower, and so simply less of the painted color is going onto the image... I don't think the edges of the brush are actually blurred while painting. Like, I think the edge is still "crisp" like at alpha=255, but the brush is simply painting with transparent "ink".


No matter which way it is, the feathering should be a separate control from the alpha...there are times when I might want the alpha at the center of the brush to be 255 and 0 at the edges and there are times I want it to be a single alpha all the way through the brush. I have the feeling that there is no feathering currently, and it would make a nice addition to the brush tool. It would be a VERY nice addition to the Clone tool.

I have been simulating "Feathering" in Paint.net by making my brush width about 25% smaller than I want, and by reducing the alpha about 50% of what I want. Then, when I go to clone or paint, I move the brush around in small circles while painting (or cloning) so that the edges have a softer look than the center. This is how I painted the blue stuff in my avatar.

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