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Problems with Fonts

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Yeah I got some problems with fonts.

I downloaded 2 weeks ago paint.net and started working with it.

First of all, why I am working with it. It's plain simple. I'm addicted to an PC race game with an own mapeditor. The game is Trackmania United, for all these, who want to know. And there's a site where you can upload your own work and a good screen gives you more feedback about your map, whats always a good thing. Its like always in life, a good presentation is the half rent.

So I started working with paint.net, after a mate of mine recommended it to me.

Here you can see my first work. I think it has become good for the first time but im not very happy about the fonts. Well I had a limited amount of it anyway, but im searching already for some good font sites. Still I think the fonts is the hardest stuff to do, but I didnt found a beginners tutorital here. Only for advanced users. May you can give me some tips and also some feedback to my first work would be nice.

This is the original one made ingame.


and this is the final work. Im not really happy with the font, but its the best I could do yet. The "One Handed Knife Fight" is the name of the map.


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