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How Do I Make This? (Sorry)

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First, I am sorry if the subject is wrong. I couldn't think of the word for it. So, I am sorry if I am breaking any rules about that.

OK, now. Here is my question. How do I make an image like this?>> 161ykj4.png

I am talking about the background with all of those lines. This was number 1#.

OK, this is #2. How do I make an image like this?>> 2cff5a0.png On this one, I am talking about the background with the circles.

Please help! I have worked really hard on this but I couldn't find it!




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The first one is simple, download the plugin Light Rays and set your Primary and Secondary accordingly.

As for the second one, I no of no simple way to accoplish that effect without a long tutorial.

Do you have the download link for the first one?




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The first one is simple, download the plugin Light Rays and set your Primary and Secondary accordingly.

As for the second one, I no of no simple way to accoplish that effect without a long tutorial.

Do you have the download link for the first one?



Light Rays

Don't be lazy


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