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problem with "Fichier"-> "imprimer"

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I can't print with Paint.net, i have the following message:

"Le fichier bibliothèque d'acquisition d'image Windows (WIA) "wiaaut.dll" n'est pas disponible.Veuillez ....."

Thank you in advance for your response.


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  • 2 years later...


I can't print with Paint.net, i have the following message:

"Le fichier bibliothèque d'acquisition d'image Windows (WIA) "wiaaut.dll" n'est pas disponible.Veuillez ....."

Thank you in advance for your response.


Hola Olivier, para solucionar el problema se debe ejecutar la siguiente instrucción desde una línea de comandos:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>RegSvr32 WIAAut.dll

no lo haga desde Inicio, ejecutar, pues no funciona

Saludos desde Colombia


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The last post was over two years ago. I really doubt vaudois is still looking for an answer to this problem.

Please read The Rules. Especially items #11 and #22.


Edit: Tag-team moderating - pyrochild got there first.

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