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FILE CRASH - Unexpected error

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I can't re-open a saved file by Paint.net, I think there was a problem while saving.

The (French) message is : Unexpected error occured while opening the file.

I can see the image in the explorer.

Here is a link to the image (4 MB) : http://juju.manue.free.fr/downloads

I spent time on this file and i'like to view it finalized......

Can someone help ?

Thanks a lot.


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Downloaded the file and I get the same error in my Paint.NET as well. Does not crash just does not know how to read the .pdn file for some reason. Also no error log. Best thing to do is give as much detail as you can and hope that someone can help you. I have already grab information of the file so I will post what the file tells me.

Information on the file:

Version of Paint.NET: 3.10.2791.35943 (I going to tell you now that you should have been using 3.22)

Width: 4962

height: 3508

layers: 7

File Size: 4.32 MB

File Type PDN

You may also want to let us know what OS your on. I belive your on XP 32 Bit.

I'd like to also make a suggestion to you. Instead of posting that link at the end that has notthing to do with what you posted about. It may be best to just put it in your sig as it could be viewed as advertising or spaming. At least by putting it in your sig it more of a site you like and think others would like then an ad or random spam. :)

Good Luck.

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