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Transparent Backround

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Do you want the background to be transparent, effectivly not there, ie just the text on its own, or do you want the actual text to be transparent, which there is no point in doing as you wouldn't see it. Unless you mean translucent, ie you see it but faintly :?:

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Logancale seems to want the background to be transparent. What you do, is you click on the "Background" layer in the layers window. Then, select all of it and press Delete. This makes it transparent. Now, put your text in. Then, when you go to save the file, make sure you save as either a .gif or .png so that it will be transparent on all pages.

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logancale90, You need to use more descriptive thread titles. Imagine if everyone used a variation of "help! please!" as their thread title. The forum would be a mess.

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