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I used the Curves + plug-in quite often for a lot of my pictures to work with Alpha and luminosity. The new Paint.net is wonderful, and I love all the new plug-ins. But Curves + really simplified tone mapping (fake HDRI) images. With all the new plug-ins is there another way to do this? I've looked into but never found anything close enough.

Tips, comments? Anything would be appreciated. :D



I did mean 'Curves +' but of course spelling errors are pretty common on the Internet. We all fall for it time to time.

Thank you for the link, but my question was in a specific response to viewtopic.php?f=15&t=5570&st=0&sk=t&sd=a

Which of course is Tanel's first HDR thread. I didn't notice the second one.

Thank you again,


I fixed the title :) At first I thought it meant, "A curse and a question" and I thought, "Someone's trying to put a curse on the forum? Well, that's certainly new at least."


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