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Share Your Custom Paint.NET Brushes

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I have a bunch of pictures of photoshop brushes which seem cool to me. I would upload them, but am afraid if I do that the original creators will come after me. So, I will suggest checking out Deviant Art's PhotoShop brushes section. Artists such as Insomniac and Thalassa are good in my opinion. Can find some great Gimp converted brushes, for those of you stuck on them. I mention these areas because you can find screenshots of the brushes which then can be used as a custom brush. I will search for links and post them soon.

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I can make many brushes for you all but I'm sort of holding back until sabrown100 works on a few things incase ie; the sizes and standards of the brushes his plug in will use change.

just converting brushes from other programs doesn't necessarily mean they will work the same as in photoshop, it will be determined by what sawbrown100 does with his version of the plugin. his rate of scatter, repeat spacing, overlap spacing, etc etc.

since we've given him room to breath and backed off to give him room to work I'm in a hold pattern on uploading brushes that may not even work in final version of his plugin.


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@Leif oh so pretty.

been using the paint brushes plugin in its "as is not quite finished getting the kinks out state". since it was put up. I'm so looking forward to seeing the final version by Sabrown100. It's going to be awesome.

I sure hope he is able to maintain the same size brush pngs as original because I've so many png images suitable for bursh work .

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Heres my metallic ice fractal with a transparent background. I don't have the time or attention span to cut pieces parts out and make it look purdy, so I'll leave that to you guys ;)

Just post the .png here if you make any brushes out of it.


It's huge >_<

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former"

[ dA Paint.NET Chat :: Yata on dA ]

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That's wonderful, Yata!

v An excellent open–source strategy game—highly recommended.


"I wish I had never been born," she said. "What are we born for?"

"For infinite happiness," said the Spirit. "You can step out into it at any moment..."

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i like this one...



My deviantART iGraphix

~96% of teens won't stand up for God. Put this on your page if you're one of the 4% who will.

skilletism (n.) - The abnormal liking of the band "Skillet". (see PANHEAD)

panhead n. - an individual who shows extreme enthusiasm for the band Skillet. Generally driving for hours to concerts with frying pans riding shotgun.

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Can anyone help me out here?

You only waited about half an hour.... Don't be in such a rush.

Well, assuming you know how to make a .zip file, simply go to the Post a Reply page, scroll down to where it says attachments, click browse, and find & upload the file.

Then, right after you've done that, a dropdown menu will be under the posting textarea and you'll be able to place the attachment in-line with your post.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former"

[ dA Paint.NET Chat :: Yata on dA ]

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Can anyone help me out here?

You only waited about half an hour.... Don't be in such a rush.

Well, assuming you know how to make a .zip file, simply go to the Post a Reply page, scroll down to where it says attachments, click browse, and find & upload the file.

Then, right after you've done that, a dropdown menu will be under the posting textarea and you'll be able to place the attachment in-line with your post.

I've wondered how you guys post attachments in your posts. I'm glad turris asked.

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