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Feature Request: Add new Layer

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Alright, it's been a while since I've asked for anything, but this has been bugging me lately:

For 3.0 or whatever comes next, since you're looking at changing the layers stack thing anyway, would it be possible for the Add a New Layer button to make a new layer right above the current layer in the stack? Also, I'd be cool if one could drag-and-drop layers in the stack to reorder them.

I use a lot of blocking in my images, usually using something like a bounding or outline layer to cover over the aliased edges of fills, and when I'm working on an image with 20+ layers and I need a new fill layer underneath all my bounding, I either have to duplicate a layer down there and delete all the contents, or create a new layer and click the down arrow about fifteen times.

I don't think I've seen this request before, so I'll just ask it to see if it'll be added it to the que.



I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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I second that! The ability to add a new layer between existing layers would be an awsome feature. Duplicating a layer to create a "new" layer betweem layers can be a hassle. I'm sure everybody who uses Paint.NET would agree.

Quick! How many times did I use the word "layer" :?: :)


- DO NOT contact me asking for the .pdn of my avatar or the PDN logo. Thank you. Have a nice day.

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I'll hold my breath if I wanna!

*holds breath*



*turns blue*

Man.. I need to get in better shape...

But yeah, I'm not trying to rush you, and I'm not demanding anything. I just thought I'd throw it out there.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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I'm thinking about adding keyboard shortcuts to do these tasks easily, but i don't really know what shortcuts & how. Any ideas?

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

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Yes, Bob, good idea. I've been meaning to mention this as a request for a while. More keyboard shortcuts for layers would be nice. Perhaps shortcuts to do the following would be nice:

Move a layer up (perhaps Ctrl+Up Key)

Move a layer down (perhaps Ctrl+Down Key)

Select the layer above the one currently selected (perhaps Ctrl+Page Up)

Select the layer below the one currently selected (perhaps Ctrl+Page Down)

It also might make sense to use the Insert key or a modification of it (Ctrl, Alt, Shift, etc.) as the keyboard shortcut for making a new layer that is added above or below the currently selected layer.

Also, the ability to drag layers around in the Layers dialog in order to change their level would be nice.

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Move a layer up (perhaps Ctrl+Up Key)

Move a layer up (perhaps Ctrl+Up Key)

IMHO the opposite will be better.

Another exemple: I've thought of a key to "active" the Layers window (sth like Ctrl + L), next you move / add / whatever your layers (with just up, down; without any Ctrl or Shift key), and Ctrl + L to return in the main window.

Just an idea.

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

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