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Image Umbrella: Realistic Images


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thanks you V1VF that image of the British Prime minister was one of my first attempts at an actual portrait. I'm glad you liked it. There are a few more people drawings in my gallery.

by the way welcome to Paint.net. enjoy your stay here with us.

in the spirit of Christmas

100% paint.net no renders.

its a png so can be saved. larger size on my DA gallery


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Very nice tree! Now it needs lights and ornaments! ;):D Tutorial maybe?

edit: just saw the sap running down the tree trunk! you never miss any details do you! :)

Edited by Heat Stroke

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:D in the works heatstroke. good catch on the sap on the trunk :lol: working on angel and some decorations but not sure all will be done by Xmas ...... maybe someone ought to make me a nice virtual cup of spiked hot cocao as an Xmas energy zippy for this old granny. :lol:

ciao OMA

ps there is a great tut over on pdn fans for some xmas lights..... might even be here somewhere on this forum not sure.

no tut for tree just too many steps..... lots of cut and paste of little needles.

but I did do that real beginners no frills tut on snowman last year for those looking for a little holiday starter.


Edited by oma
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@ oma:

The tree is amazing, very nice and detailed.

I agree that christmas lights, and some "christmassy" surroundings, would really add to the piece.

It has potential for a beautiful christmas picture!


@ AireDaleDogz:

That is really cool actually! :P Nice job

Edit 2:

Just finished (more or less) something I've had lying around for some time.


Edited by olav.k.m
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Wow oma, that tree is amazing! It really looks like it's full of those nasty needles that find their way into your sleeves and neck. Nice variation on the shades of green as well.

Those bells are looking good, too.

olav.k.m, great sword. That handle looks very good, the blade as well. I like the way you added the shine.


I've been working on planets and planet textures a lot lately. It's a seamless pattern but I'm hoping to create one that isn't symmetrical soon.

Edited by Kemaru

Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.

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Great image there, barbie. Looks a lot like those glass roses that people buy for their spouses :D

Something I did in about 2 hours. Textures need work. Apophysis is credited for the nebula. It's rather big so here you have the link: http://s649.photobucket.com/albums/uu217/h3llb0yn3cr0/Creations/?action=view&current=Dystopia.jpg

Edited by h3llb0yn3cr0

Signature pending.

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I'm agreeing with barbie. perhaps a green tint on the planets, but not a green hue. looks too...black and white + single color curve.

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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I'd have to agree with everyone about the green. Too much of it. Needs some variety, but still a very nice space image.

@ Barbieq, love the new piece. Beautiful !

Oma, the cookies look delicious ! Merry Christmas !

This is just some experimentation on scales texture for a reptilian look. Not sure where I'm going with it, but it's something I've been wanting to work on for a long time and just now had the chance. So, Comments?



SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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Possum that snake skin texture is wonderful. fanatics needs that one on file when you perfect it.

Barbie :coffee: one for you and one for me :coffee: . topping on cookies is dusted sugar powder and tiny dried cherry pieces ( part of the 100 mile project) yes I'm still part of that.

ciao OMA

Thanks Oma ! Will do !!


SAC, WOTW and Photo Manip Competition Host

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cool pic! did you make the spaceship, or is that cut and pasted from a star trek image? XD

PS: typo in there. "bodly" should be "boldly"

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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cool pic! did you make the spaceship, or is that cut and pasted from a star trek image? XD

PS: typo in there. "bodly" should be "boldly"


Back to PDN For repairs T.T

Edited by BoltBait
This is a family-friendly forum. Let's keep it that way. Thanks.


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