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Image Umbrella: Realistic Images


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Nice looking clouds jerkfight ;) , although some bits on the edges look like they have been smudged too much.


100% paint.net, Still a WIP


100% Paint.net

"I'm the evil fairy witch. Since I'm so evil, I'm locking this pointless thread" -Pyrochild

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jitter setting, i think i need to update my plugins :/

I just did that a couple of weeks ago. A few things looked totally different, like smudge and Upload to...

And now I have about 30 less plugins (all that I never used.).

Falken: Stunning! I love the rings on the planet and the whole glow of the sun. Actually, there's nothing I really have to say that's bad about it except that there's a huge amount of unused space. Can I make that my desktop background?

Edited by himself22

"The truth is just an excuse for having a lack of imagination."

Photobucket sucks!
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Thanks for the criticism and comments guys, really appreciated ;).

On the empty space - I'll get round to putting something in there in the finalized image, maybe some clouds or a nebula, it still has a long way to go to becoming completed.

@Himself: Sure, go ahead


100% Paint.net

"I'm the evil fairy witch. Since I'm so evil, I'm locking this pointless thread" -Pyrochild

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Hmm, I wonder why my post on top of this page has an image in it. Hmm, well I most certainly didn't post it to get critique, so I'm delighted to notice no one has commented on it. /bitter

*sigh* Honestly, guys, it's not that hard to spare a few words.

Jerkfight: Nice clouds, I suggest you go with what pyro said though.

Falken: That's awesome, great negative space there. Might be too much for some people.

Edited by Kemaru

Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.

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:( Whoops, sorry about that Kemaru, I didn't realize no one commented on your work.

I love how the light on the ball actually looks realistic, it starts off red then loses it's colour gradually, I also love how the yellow in the background brings the ball out of the picture and gives it some depth. Did you create that lighting manually, or did you use shape 3-D to create it?


100% Paint.net

"I'm the evil fairy witch. Since I'm so evil, I'm locking this pointless thread" -Pyrochild

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Finally, Finished :D

After around 8 hours of working on this piece I'm itching to get onto something else :)

Layer count: over 35


100% paint.net


100% Paint.net

"I'm the evil fairy witch. Since I'm so evil, I'm locking this pointless thread" -Pyrochild

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I apologize for all spelling errors. It is way past my bedtime :P

@Falken That is one sweet nebula and...pretty much everything else in the pic. Except the stars. There aren't enough to give it a "space-ee" feel. It looks to me like headlights on an oddly lit foggy day. If you add more small stars (noise with lower coverage and max intensity), it will give the nebula less of a murky/stuffy feeling and more of an in-the-open feel. Also, on the bright stars with the cool shine, the shine all needs to be oriented in the same direction (or the flare or whatever you call that). Sparkles like that are produced by your camera lens, so it shouldn't be even the slightest bit random.

@Mayor_McSteeze Your orb looks nice and shiny, but a little too blurry. Shrink it down to increase quality. Also, make the lighting on the inside (the swirly green part) match the lighting everywhere else. Either put the dark spot with the shiny dots or opposite the dots...not in between. That will give it more of a glowy feel and less of a "2D image set in glass" feel. Like chrisco said, get rid of the weird blurry blue spot on the bottom right. It looks...weird o.0 With the shadow, I think you should replace it with a drop-shadow directly behind the orb and blurred because, I don't know about you, but it really looks more like a half-sphere sitting on a white table than a side view of a full sphere.

Your wall texture looks great! I don't know what else to say about a wall texture. Not a texture expert here :/

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sure, I can see the Hexagonal grid in the speaker, but in the wood?

Both look really good anyways. I remember when I learned to make wood textures in PDN using noise and motion blur i thought it looked really realistic :P It's cool, not to mention inspiring, to see how much farther you can take it !

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