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Image Umbrella: Realistic Images


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Wow oma :shock: again the magic touch from your hands ( :D I am talking like we are using brushes on real board) the drops are well well done many they made drops but here they are different.

The sword is amazing but I don't like weapons :( :wink:, and I reviewed the tutorial of it, it is well written tut, thanks

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Wow oma :shock: again the magic touch from your hands ( :D I am talking like we are using brushes on real board) the drops are well well done many they made drops but here they are different.

The sword is amazing but I don't like weapons :( :wink:, and I reviewed the tutorial of it, it is well written tut, thanks

thanks you but I can not take praise for the drops those were straight from plug in that is by Madjik. I can make these by hand from blank canvas but its easier to use the button plugin for plain buttons such as this. this picture is still in the thinking stage. will be much more involved, I was just testing out an idea, to see if anyone would recognize what I was aiming for.

I'm not one for swords and weapons myself but I could see some of the young ones struggling to interpet the metal tut over to other applications.

ciao OMA

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@yellowman: it's madjik's buttons plugin.

This is my latest, I didn't really knew where to post this. I'm actually satisfied with it, haven't done a lot of work lately, so it's good to get busy again.



History repeats itself, because nobody was paying attention the first time.

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When I first looked at your image I knew it was broccoli, so you're doing fine. :lol:

It looks really good so far and like always, I'm looking forward to see it finished along with your other project you're working on.

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Oma, urgh! I hate it! Brocolli is one of the worst vegetables ever, but you somehow made it look good. Great stuff, but like you said, needs refining, so all thats needed is some dodging, burning, and i'd make the trunk more of a pistachio colour. Awesome stuff though. :D

Boude, great job on the hearts, the flick at the end of each is a nice touch.

welshblue, that looks great, but maybe make the black lines on the green level stuff a but transparent. Subtle details can make a whole piece seem much better. ;)

yellowman, those candles are awesome. Really realistic, but make then actually sit into the holders, they look like they're floating. Extend the bottom down to do this. =)

Maybe make the flames more glowy, they seem sort of dull, but the whole piece looks great awesome!

Merry Christmas


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@ LFC4EVER..You are absolutely correct , I new that something was missed in Easter but I couldn't figured it out and you've got it. What do you think about it right now ,I made some changes depending on your point view?By the way thank you so much for being so detailed because that helped a lot.

Easter ( new version)


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@yellowman: I like the easter thing, however it seems kind of bright, try using some shadows.

@LFC4EVER: I wrote a "Y" in webdings, just don't tell anyone.


History repeats itself, because nobody was paying attention the first time.

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Ey yellowman, nice easter pic, the only thing i think shud prob be difrent is how on the top of the candle, shudnt it be more flat instead of having the like ripple shape scince the fire wud be melting the top of the candle?

Well anyways i thought id try making a lil apple logo along with creating an ipod and putting it on the char for swd here it is!


Made an iDog too for the wolf in the game but i dont think it came out gr8


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