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Image Umbrella: Realistic Images


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I take it the others are pointing out that the page curl, well is pulling up all of the sticky notes at once.... but not...?

Also - the pen tip isn't at the same angle as the pen - in my opinion it looks curved off (Maybe rotate it -10 degrees or so.

Great, job, however, overall, I like the concept.

Now try making the part that clips to pockets/whatver (I dunno what to call it) -- be 3d as well - from that perspective it seems to be part of the pen itself!

Again - very good first attempt - keep expanding!


:D Many thanks for feedback, yes I am not satisfied with the tip, I'll try to rotate as per your indication, I think that the clip however from that perspective should look sort of flatten like that (may be I'll have to resize it a bit so that the little ring will be positioned just over it) and yes I know about the page curl but I pointed out that the background was just a rough draft, I'll make a definitive one once I'll be satisfied with the pen ...

@Hlnl: :D thanks

Ciao ciao,

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My 3d homework, but I did not work much on the background (just the essential to give a scenery for the pen) but I am quite happy with this outcome (I think I just have to adjust the color a bit, less yellowish, more golden)

Ciao ciao


the only things that stood out to me as odd were the lack of shadows in the picture and where the curl up was-the way how it lays flat on one side and that it doesn't start on the top of the pad. Actually, only the first thing was immediately noticeable for me. Other than that, it was quite realistic, especially the nice detail of the ball at the end of the clip :D


Click on my signature image for my gallery | hmmmm...

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Thanks guys for feedback, I did work on color adjustements but with not very good results so far :( and I am actually working on a new note pad to go with the pen, will post once the outcome will be acceptable..)

@LFC4EVER: It is cool but it needs more shining i.mo. (just like my pen :D )

Ciao ciao

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@topezia---nice pen :)

@LFC4ever---Love the text effect you've got there 8)

I made a realistic Earth map:


It's not quite done (ie. Missing countries) but I might not get around to it for some time. Besides, I'm happy with the outcome :) . Open to all comments

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@LFC4ever---Love the text effect you've got there 8)

I made a realistic Earth map:


It's not quite done (ie. Missing countries) but I might not get around to it for some time. Besides, I'm happy with the outcome :) . Open to all comments

Thanks, and well..your earth map is just astonishing!! The swirls in the clouds make it look so much more real! Excellent work and keep it up!! :mrgreen:

Merry Christmas


.::.My Gallery.::.Make Gold Text!.::.

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yea I was unhappy with that aspect but I was just messing around so I didnt put to much time into it :roll: I wish the aliasing was better when you use rotate/zoom

EDIT: More messin around:



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yea I was unhappy with that aspect but I was just messing around so I didnt put to much time into it :roll: I wish the aliasing was better when you use rotate/zoom

EDIT: More messin around:


Perspective is abit off, and here's a hint: instead of using rotate/zoom, use shape3d so there are no jaggy edges.

Other than that, it looks good. :)


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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And here is final version of my pen, I could manage to adjust the flaws and make the color a little bit more golden :) I made 2 versions one small with desk and a larger one.

Also I wish to thank Ash for the crucial help he gave me with his tips and advices in the making of this image!

Plus, as bonus, a bowl of fresh nectarines: serve yourself :D !




@jake2k: Keep working on that 7up can I am sure it will be amazing!

@cjmcguinness: You rock, you know?

Ciao ciao

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topezia@ I'm so jealous I want to try that and have Ash help me. My life is interfering with my paint.net right now. Great job and I love the nectarines.


"One can't complain. I have my friends. Someone spoke to me only yesterday." EEYORE

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@topezia love the coil along the top of that paper, and the 3d look of the holes in the paper.

brief explination of how you did those please.

@LFC4EVER oh how nice of you the first letter of my name!

thanks a bunch now just to struggle thru the "M" and the "A"

and I'll be all set for a new avatar and siggy. :lol: great job on converting that tut. would be nice to actually see a section here for those type of translated tuts.

@jake is that you handing out the pop? I like pepsi please not mountain dew. good job on the shading.


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@Janettsue: Thanks! No need to be jealous though, he is always so helpful with everyone :D

@Oma: Thanks! It is actually very simple, I drew white horizontal lines (with line/curve tool) for the full lenght of the canvas on a layer above the holes layer trying to draw the line exactly in the middle of the hole, then I duplicated that line x the number of the holes and set each one in place with panelling (now I regret I could have used a colored line! :? ) duplicated the layer then ran shape 3d for the upper coil (half cylinder map) (top & bottom flat) and arranged the settings of the half spiral to fit the holes in the note-pad, then re-run shape 3d on the other layer for the lower part of the coil (same settings except for x axis which I set to the opposite value) , erased the excess arranged the layers in position and that’s all…. Whilst the 3d look of the holes is not flour from my sack (Italian expression which could be roughly translated with “I won’t try to sell you somebody else’s mule :wink: ” that is Ash’s mule actually (my holes were plain :D ) and I lamely followed his tips using drop shadow on the note pad (colored white ) and then dragging and moving around until I reached an acceptable result (I am afraid I was not that brief in my explanation....)

@Zizoiz :D Thanks ,lol, I did the nectarines a while ago (they are in my logo room but the size is so little they got unfocused) but I could not find an adequate container till now, while, playing with 3d (as usual) I stumbled over that wooden bowl


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@topezia: Thanks, and the notepad is much better!! The page curl is really good too, and those nectarines in a bowl, very good use of Shape3D. Keep up the fantastic work!

@oma: Thanks for the comment! I may do the letters M and A, could be a nice challenge. :D

Merry Christmas


.::.My Gallery.::.Make Gold Text!.::.

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@Topezia---I really like that bowl of nectarine. I could never think of a good texture to use to make fruits.... I also like the water effect you've got there.

This is sorta split between realistic/Desktop Art (Its huge!). It's called Doomsday, but this time there's a few more effects in there:


I couldn't quite think of how a meteor would look like if it hit the Earth, so I just settled on a firey effect. Although, if something like this were to happen, 2/3 of the Earth would be blown to bits or flooded by the tidal wave caused by water dispacement :twisted: (yea crazy I know.)

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I'm not sure if i'm remembering correctly, but an asteriod large enough to displace all of the water in the pacific ocean would be 40 miles across, and would actually vaporize it because of the heat of impact. :D

heh. I like it! :D


Click on my signature image for my gallery | hmmmm...

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