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How did you bend the text to make it look wavy? It looks great.

Add a layer then put the text in then twist it below so it doesnt really twist the text just like wave it

Pretty Simple Stuff ^_-


@ApathY: I'm not sure what you're trying to tell me but, do you use Apophysis? Click on my "PDN gallery" below my sig and look at a picture in my Fantasy category. There's an image there called "Fantasy River." The wings on the Fairy and the woods behind her were done with Apophysis. You might find it interesting.


That is wonderful topezia I love it. It looks like a neon city.

You Snow Storm is beautiful LFC4EVER

Very electric PyroTechniques. It has a native Indian feel.


"One can't complain. I have my friends. Someone spoke to me only yesterday." EEYORE


@LFC4EVER Got what you mean, many thanks for the tip, gonna rework on it adding some more motion blur at a different angle. Nice storm!

@janettsue Thanks, but it is nothing special, just a playing around and messing with layers and seismograph :)

@ShK_828 Playing around with splatter anyone? :)

@PeterPawn That looks gorgeous! Love the moon, any time I see these wonderful fractals I am tempted to download Apophysis but I fear it will be an other difficult stuff to learn... The caterpillar looks fine but I would add some more depth to it (may be an other drop shadow moved upwards with a lot of blur and glow?) looks fantastic anyhow.



nice, i really like the blend of colors on top of each other.

I may be an amateur, but.... um.... I'm bad at thinking of comebacks!

I would have a picture here but i don't have a good one the right size.

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