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Image Umbrella: Image Modification/Manipulation


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heres something i made using water reflection on a bald guy


If something is true that means the opposite is false and if that is true that means the opposite of that is false. So nothing is true or false. So what is this signature true false or nothing or everything? Confused much?


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original pic of a firemans everyday life.


A mocked up version of a "Rescue Me" everyday life.


tell me what you think and what i can do to improve :mrgreen:

(this is one of my first times using this so :shock: be gentel.)

also one other piece i created http://paintdotnet.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=22625&st=0&sk=t&sd=a&start=240 :arrow: towards bottom of page. awesome compliment is followed.

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hi, my first post in ages, wierd. Anyway, here is the before and after pictures of my cat, Bob





what do you think!

oh, it sais 'do not fill up desktop' because i have cleaned it up, and everyone fills it up with bloody potato, i think i only have 1gig of free space!


Merry Chrismas!!

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hi guys, my first ever post even though I have been using PdN for almost a year now. Below is a touched-up photo of my wife and our youngest son (who was born 2 months premature). I call this

'Mother and Son'


"Happy is the son whose faith in his mother remains unchallenged." - Louisa May Alcott

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