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Image Umbrella: Desktop Art


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Kemaru, I'm not so much a fan of the colors, but I like the design a lot. My vote's on the centered logo version. Can we get a link to the desktop-size version?

Also, aguba, that's now my desktop. :wink:

(Click for DeviantArt link)


Took ~3 hours, made from scratch in Paint.NET. I don't suppose this fits the WOTW theme...



(Click top half for DeviantArt gallery) (Click bottom half for Paint.NET gallery)

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Just wanted to drop by and tell you how much I really like this work. I haven't seen 3D work on this forum in a long time, and it was refreshing to see this. Also glad to see you are still posting on the board. As for your method, I find that using drop shadow or pryochild's outline object will work. I got inspired to make a 3D project. Thanks for the inspiration! :idea:

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aguba, that is just beautiful! :shock: I like. I know there's aliasing, but it can be fixed if it was started at a big image, and resized before you saved it as a png file. I really need to get cracking with 3D...I keep getting sidetracked by all the glass work I had been making. :?

Edit: Quick question: are you using pyrochild's Outline Object set at 90 degree angle? I find that if you start with a small value and repeat (CTRL+F) several times, it might make the aliasing disappear. Thoughts?

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Thank you very much :D

And no, I duplicate the original layer several times, moving each a pixel down from the last. What I used to do was motion blur the image at a 90 degree angle and then either repeatedly duplicate it or use the Transparency adjustment to make it opaque, but in my experience this just generally led to more aliasing.

I will try out that method however. If it works, I owe you one :wink:. And I can't wait to see some of that glass work you mentioned :).

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aguba, I just had a quick play with PDN to see if I could make a 3D object...I found that it is the Outline Object making it aliased. So, what I have always done is use Outline Object with the radius set at 1, and then CTRL+F as many times as needed; or, use Drop Shadow and set the x,y to 0,1. And repeat as many times. Personally, I like using Drop Shadow the best because it is not as aliased as the other one. As for my glass works, check out my gallery. :wink:

Edit: I had a quick play with PDN to see if I can see how to conquer the aliasing problem. I got to say no, I haven't. The only thing I can say is to work on 2x or 3x your size before resizing down to final size. I started mine at 1600x1200 canvas before resizing.


Officially retired from this forum. Have a nice day.

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