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Image Hospital: Help With Image Problems Here!


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For an image I am doing right now, I wanted to use the Alpha blur, for some fading effect, now, a part of the selection does not blur, I do not know If I do something wrong or that there is a bug... I'll show you:

I started off with this one. a background and a woman (both on a different layer


Now I added a new layer - copied a small selection from the background and added it on the layer on top of the woman as shown here :


I got the rectangle select tool from around middle height till bottom of the image (to speed up) and set the alpha blur setting to 45, and next is the result of that:


you see in the right corner it's not been blurred, even if I set the settings to 100 that part does not blur at all...

After testing all of my blurs (I think I have them all) just the Gaussian blur+ and the Alpha blur gave me this weird result at the right bottom corner

so, just try and smudge it? or is there somewhere a bug?

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I am trying to follow your steps but never get your result, the right edge effect is what I am getting with Alpha Blur but on the whole selection, I can't understand, how could you get that faded edge on the left part? All Blur tools won't give the effect that you have achieved.

EDIT: BTW, have you tried to repro it on another file? Because I noticed that you are using two different selections in the last two images, they are not the same exactly. Is it possible to provide a screen shot for the Layers window?

Edited by yellowman
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a screenshot of pdn, while doing alpha blur (I first finished all the rest of the image and put all that in one layer, otherwise it would have been too much) and yes, that is my entire screen, two screens actually, the one I use pdn for is a computer flat screen plugged into my acer aspire one, where pdn is running on and on the right side is my acer screen :P did not had the mood to cut that part away...


EDIT: click the image you will be linked to my flickr, right click and choose bigger size

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hated the waiting, so I fixed it in a different way... I erased the part with the weird result, copied a good part, pasted it on a diff layer, and stretched it with the selection tool... so it looks a lot what I had in mind ;-)

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Not sure what to do with this...http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/172/0/2/butterfly_by_agentbunni-d6a3ggx.png

I feel it could become so much more, but I can't seem to add anything without upsetting the clarity.

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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Added a "horizon" and "stones" and did a little shifting. I think it looks quite a bit better. Thanks guys! :)


Interestingly, even with the huge size, it only takes up less than 50kb...the thing would probably load faster than most 800x600 images on the forum xD Talk about minimalism!

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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  • 4 months later...

Im working on a sig, i found a cool stock of a viper and im trying to work with it, but im just not sure how i should use it. what i did looks terrible.... im stuck. I wanted kinda a dark color scheme for the background, then the car to be the main focal point.


edit:well..this is much better, but still not right...iono what it needs.


edit: alright im gona edit this one more time, im not sure if im going down the right path, input please :P



The last one theres looking very good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My attempt:




Ok - so it's a bit hairy :lol:


The "o" could lose the bottom nub and the "i" should have a longer tail.  I found it dang hard to make the combination "lt" into a "b".


Lots of fun!  This should be a competition.

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Very Tolkienesque, EER.  Maybe try taking the top of the ascender off of the a?  Then as an o, it would look a bit less strange, without sacrificing any readability as an a (less like "baltbait").


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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This is the one that always blew me away:


It doesn't even look like a lame attempt... it looks perfect. One of the best one's I've ever seen.

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Cleaned it up a bit.




Then I had to go and fiddle with it :lol:




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