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Image Hospital: Help With Image Problems Here!


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First of all, don't ask me why I'm always posting these at night.

Second, I got a new concept for an Audio Jungle wallpaper, and I think it's pretty nifty.

Anyways, I saw this awesome pic of a gramaphone (scroll down for stock image if you don't know what it is), and it inspired me to make this.


Stocks used:




Any ideas on how to improve this one? I personally think it is the worst out of all three I have created so far.

Call me expired. Please.


Don't go counting your chickens before the pack of rabid ravaging foxes attacks. -Sozo
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Nice job Expired! It's looking great- you really fit in the bird - he actually looks like he's on it! - The light rays in the background are a nice touch too...

Need something else though - I dunno... But great so far!!


iKid and I agree the conversation from "the rate the sig of the poster aove you" has gone a bit too offtopic, so we thought we'd take it here. And I quote:

Hey, no problems :wink:

Sig update :P

Really nice! 10/10

How long did that take? :shock:

Well the planets are in my gallery as a wallpaper - and that took about 30 hours :lol:

Sig took about 10 mins.

I think I'm gonna change the border...

Thanks for the 10!

9.9/10. The border change will make it a 10 from me too. :wink:
Hehe, it deserves it! :) @ Nab



I like it!

I prefer the old borer :!:
Ohh -- I figured out why - it's because in PDN all images have a 1-x border with drop shadow - that brings out my border -- fixing (wait for edit)

EDIT: All right, what do you guys think now?

I ended up having to shrink it because it had to be contained within 500x150, so it's not looking as great - I might have to sharpen things up.

"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

PDN Gallery | I Made a Deviant Art!

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I know, I was trying to fix that too...

Since i used overlay - the light is on the left side, so that's where it shows up.

I tried fiddling with Curves, but even there it was only showing up on the left hand side.

Let me see what I can do very quick...

EDIT: All right, better?

EDIT 2: With some advice from Ash, I resized my bigger version, so that it could still have the special and black borders.

"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

PDN Gallery | I Made a Deviant Art!

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i agree there is something missing. Could you make the logo larger??

Yup. I managed to acquire a larger version. :)

make some music notes coming from the gramaphone

Interesting idea, I'll see how it goes. :wink:

Excellent Expiration! Nicely executed, but the gramaphone seems as if its floating in air, so you could maybe add some jungle flooring? just an idea :P

I was thinking about adding some grass or something along the bottom edge. :P

I know, I was trying to fix that too...

Since i used overlay - the light is on the left side, so that's where it shows up.

I tried fiddling with Curves, but even there it was only showing up on the left hand side.

Let me see what I can do very quick...

EDIT: All right, better?

EDIT 2: With some advice from Ash, I resized my bigger version, so that it could still have the special and black borders.

Love it Nab. Nicely executed, very pleasing to look at. Keep up the good work!

Call me expired. Please.


Don't go counting your chickens before the pack of rabid ravaging foxes attacks. -Sozo
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Erm, sorry to double post (again), but I took everyone's advice and tried to improve. Only 11 days left to enter. :P

So, I made the Audio Jungle logo bigger.

I tried to make music notes, but I couldn't make any good ones, and I couldn't find any quality stocks.

I added some grass on the bottom, to make it look like it's on the ground.

Yuppers. Check it out.

Grass stock is here. Special thanks to Wither and his Faking Soft Brushes tutorial. :wink:

Constructive criticism please.

Call me expired. Please.


Don't go counting your chickens before the pack of rabid ravaging foxes attacks. -Sozo
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I'm in need of some expert opinions on my current signature. As I explained to -Expiration- in the Sanctuary, I do not feel as strongly towards this one as I did the other, it's one that has to grow on me. Yet, I believe if something of this nature has to grow on me, it isn't that good.

I tried to follow the setting from me previous signature, and I had in mind that I'd follow an element from each into the next: here, it's the lampstand, the next might be the aeroplane.

Anyway, less talk, as they have appeared thus far...




So, what do people feel about it, any improvements for any niggling features? Some artistic licence has been taken with the lighting.

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Well, I think one of the main problems is that in your previous signature, the person is a large part of it, and dominates the view.

However, in your latest sig, the lamp post is only a small part of it ... It feels emptier. :o

Call me expired. Please.


Don't go counting your chickens before the pack of rabid ravaging foxes attacks. -Sozo
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-Expiration-: Yes, excellent point, I can see that. As a bi-product, it could be said that the emptiness is reflective of the night time scene.

I did try out other objects, including a car and a barn, all were equally as small as the aeroplane. My aim was to have the lampstand a mere allusion to the previous signature, and the focus be that of the mode of transport. Until yesterday, the clouds didn't even exist, so it was even more empty.

What would you suggest? Shifting the lampstand closer to centre, mayhap? Or even more 'stuff', like a return of the lightrays? Hmm, I will have to play with this emptiness.

welshblue: nonsense, you don't have to be an 'expert' to comment; everybody's opinion is valid without regard to skill level.

I did contemplate having the lamp lit, but like I mentioned above, it ended up supplementing the theme of the night setting, only because it suited well unlit before I got around to colouring it. In all honesty, I've never got around to lighting the lamp, so I'll try this also.

Thank you both thus far, I have much to think with.

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What would you suggest? Shifting the lampstand closer to centre, mayhap?

I think this would be a good idea. I would shift it over to the left about an inch or so, so that it resides near the 2/3 margin of the signature.

Or even more 'stuff', like a return of the lightrays? Hmm, I will have to play with this emptiness.

I don't think light rays would be appropriate for a nighttime scene. However, I'm sure there are other effects that could be well suited towards improving your sig, although I cannot think of any at the moment.

Maybe adding a little depth of field would improve it, but once again, I'm not sure.

By the way, congratulations on your

3000th post!

Call me expired. Please.


Don't go counting your chickens before the pack of rabid ravaging foxes attacks. -Sozo
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I actually like your new sig Myrddin, 'cuz I like the dark :)

The thing that bugged me at first was the red curves (which I'm assuming to be like the spinning of the propellers). Maybe lower the opacity of them, because at first I thought they were crosshairs.... :o ---But that's only an opinion. it's not so bad

Perhaps a little (very little) scattered noise for nighttime stars? :wink:

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I actually like your new sig Myrddin, 'cuz I like the dark :)

The thing that bugged me at first was the red curves (which I'm assuming to be like the spinning of the propellers).

Oh, so that's what they were ...

I thought they were little blinking lights on the plane. :P

Call me expired. Please.


Don't go counting your chickens before the pack of rabid ravaging foxes attacks. -Sozo
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By the way, congratulations on your

3000th post!

Hence the signature :).
I actually like your new sig Myrddin, 'cuz I like the dark :)

The thing that bugged me at first was the red curves (which I'm assuming to be like the spinning of the propellers).

Oh, so that's what they were ...

I thought they were little blinking lights on the plane. :P

Ah, I thought red would be cause for confusion. Perhaps I need to embellish the fact that they are in fact propellers...

Also, the 2/3 margin sounds a treat. I can knock this up in the next few minutes.

EDIT (Ctrl + F5 if it looks no different):

[see current rendition of signature]

Hmm, I'm thinking of moving the path/runway in-line to the first third... I have much to try and experiment with, thank you all who have given suggestion and shown interest. This is my first visit to the Pictorium that didn't involve mod business, and it was welcoming. I felt all newbie again.

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Hey there!

So yeah, i'm back with a little something.

Recently, i got into the visual style mood (thanks to a certain someone whose name starts with -E and ends with xpiration- :P)

So anyway, i've been making wallpapers to go with the visual style.

So yeah, here they are:

Wallpaper 1

Wallpaper 2

Anyway, in the first wallpaper, something just seems to be lacking.

And in the second wallpaper, any idea how to make the hexagons with the letters somewhat, pop out?

Something like..... make it look nearer to you then the other hexagons?

Thanks in advance



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Actually, you are! :)

Try pretending like it's a solid, opaque plastic, and shade with highlights that way, and then just figure out where the light that comes from the highlights would be cast on the inside of the slipper. :)


Click on my signature image for my gallery | hmmmm...

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