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I'm just wondering, does paint.net have the capability to add an infrared effect to a picture? If so, does anyone know how to do it?



"I'd rather bleed out a long stream from being lonely and feel blessed than drown, laying face down, in a puddle of respect"--The Wallflowers

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aa .. yes i think theres a tut on this.. :D

Cool, you know where I can find it?

"I'd rather bleed out a long stream from being lonely and feel blessed than drown, laying face down, in a puddle of respect"--The Wallflowers

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Keep in mind, without actual infra-red data, the best it can do is an approximation of infra. :-)


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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That's kinda what I figured. I thought I'd ask though. Do you know where there's a tutorial on it?

"I'd rather bleed out a long stream from being lonely and feel blessed than drown, laying face down, in a puddle of respect"--The Wallflowers

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Another way to make something like This:


Here the PDN, so you just have to replace the Pictures:


Short description:

:AddNewLayer: Add new Layer:

Fill with #FF0000

Mode: Overlay

Opacity: 200

:AddNewLayer: Add new layer

Fill with #FF9D00

Mode: Multiply

Opacity: 20

:AddNewLayer: Add new layer

Fill with: #FAFF00

Mode: Darken

Opacity: 255

:DuplicateLayer: Dublicate Picture

Move it on Top

Mode: Overlay

Opacity: 100


it isn't like the real infrared effect, but many peple don't like the green and purple...^^

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I simulate infrared image as follows.....

Open Image...

Duplicate layer 3 times

On the first duplicate, Effects-Colors-Extract Channel-Red

Now set Opacity at 50 Mode normal

On the second duplicate, Effects-Colors-Extract Channel-Blue

Now set Opacity at 100-120 Mode normal

On the third duplicate, Effects-Colors-Extract Channel-Green

Now set Opacity at 160 Mode Screen or Overlay

Gaussian Blur the Green (Top) at 20 or so

To simulate an infrared filter we have reduced the red a lot, the blue some and finally added blur to the green layer to achieve a lighter, less focused image....

Finally you can select sky and clouds, on the green layer, use the levels control Auto which will darken that area somewhat....You can now convert the background layer to B&W and play with the opacity and modes to achieve the image you like...

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