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Human Skin/camouflage

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Im drawing a picture of my budy, in honor of him. Im trying to create camouflage and then the human skin, so far ive drawn everything by hand with the pencil tool. Although so far the picture looks differently than i expected when i started i am quite pleased, the only thing is that the edges are really quite rough and just dont flow together, ill post what i have done so far, does any one have suggestions on how to the the edges flow better, i mean when there are two colors next to each other to make them look better together.



(sorrys its small, its going to be an avatar)


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did you use solid colors or gradiants?

If you used solid colors try to set the tolerance down very low and hold shift and clik most prominent color cut and paste to new layer to separate them out. then do your gassiaun at a fairly low setting and use the transparency plug in to work the colors back to each other . repeat for each color.

you might find you should possibly when you cut each color out find you should paste it twice into two separate layers and then do the above method at two different gassiaun settings and transparencies.

remember keep one layer of the original on the bottom so you can clik the wand to the outside and control i to maintain the blur from going outside your original margins.

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Hmm... I recently tried out making a random camo pattern. I like the results, so maybe they'll work for you? (I haven't tried it on anything besides text yet, but I see no reason for it not to work.)


Make whatever you want 'camouflaged' on a new layer. Then add noise (add lots of noise if you want it 'extra' white). Apply the Oil Painting effect :OilPainting:. Lastly, use Median on it.

Here's a ScriptLab script for it. The top one was made by running the script, untouched, on about four layers, setting them all to Multiply, then merging them all into one. The bottom was made by removing the extra five(?) Add Noises and using the script once on a single layer. ... Hope it helps. :)


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thanks guys, im on my way out the door for work, chefs always have an early start...lol.. but ill be home in a few hours and ill give those a try, and yes i used solid colors. im really trying to allow my self to use all the tools PDN has to offer, i used MS paint for so long im used to the pencil tool and curves. for a while i was making my gradients in MS paint and pasting them over, i still do that on custom gradients cus i dont no how to do it in PDN.


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for more than two color gradiants I generally use gradiant mapping

you could try that and the layers is a must when working with multi colored gradiants. you get used to using the layers and you will never go back to the old method. takes a bit to get used to switching back and forth but the layer system is a reall bonus.

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