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Simulate Pressure Strokes

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Windows Vista supports pressure sensitivity in Paint.NET.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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david is quite correct. However, if you're wanting to simulate it, then you can use the Line / Curve Tool to create a pointed oval-like shape, then colour it in and rejoice in your imitation. Remember to create the apex of the shape pointing in the direction you wish your stroke to be, like the below diagram illustrates:


Now, because I haven't used pressure sensitivity much, I may need to play with my tablet settings more for a nice smooth stroke, although I do believe my own, uneven application of pressure also played a part in the not-so fluid stroke.

Alternatively, you can just get Vista and a Wacom :P.

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You've got me wrong. I mean like this. http://luxa.org/tutorial_electrifying_energy_beams.php. Ohh and maybe we could get an inner and outer glow to. That would be great, because right now it looks like i'm going to have to switch to Photoshop if I'm going to continue with digital art.

Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple. That's why it's so complicated.


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Oh, right, okay. I do apologise, I clearly got the wrong end of the stick with the phrase 'stroke'.

In which case, I would follow that tutorial almost word for word. Use Line / Curve for the initial spiral, erase the unnecessary parts (or use an alpha mask of the arm/feature), use Glow or Gaussian a duplicate layer until you're happy, Hue / Saturation or Curves for colour adjustment, a few sparkles here and there and anything else you see fit.

Now, obviously, the above description was for the image of that tutorial, so for the pressure-like effect of the line, the varying thickness dependant on position (thinner at the end, thicker towards the middle), I would use different line thickness for each segment. You see how the arm in that example is obscuring some of the energy whisper? Well, for each section which is visible, use a different thickness relative to its position and the section preceding it.

In fact, can you give me ten minutes to produce an example for you, if you will?


Took longer than ten minutes; oh well.


See how each visible section of the spiral has its own thickness? That simply done with different widths of line.

The rest of the image adjustment (liked to below) is all superficial and there only to lend itself to the overall effect.

So, is this what you were looking for?

Full size image

Dear Lara was the only image I could quickly grab hold of that had such an arm position; I usually have images/photographs of objects than people. Come to look at the pictures of the women I do have, none of them are in such a pose suitable for this work anyway, so... Some glow on the arm came out a little too strong for my liking, although I can't be bothered to change/reupload now.

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