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Seamless Merry Christmas Image

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1.Write your text and use the rectangle selection to select it (keep margin enough around it) and try to size it with simple X,Y size (600x100)


2.Crop to this selection and save as text.png (for example). Close this image.

3.Create a new image the size you want (best if it is a multiple size of the text.png image: 1200x1200)

4.Use the Photoflood fill plugin and choose the text.png image.

5.Menu Layer, Rotate/Zoom, check 'tiling', set angle to 45°, play with the zoom...


More difficult:


2.Menu Image, Canvas resize to double height (600x200)

3.Duplicate the layer

4.Seamless Texture maker: mode 'Only Cut'


5.Flatten the image and save it and close it.

6.Continue with step 3-5 from the first method...


BTW: the text.png images are seamless...not the final images themselves, so create the final image at the size you need.

You will have a repeated pattern in them, but they aren't repeatable themselves!

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BB, I think you missed something...

BTW: the text.png images are seamless...not the final images themselves, so create the final image at the size you need.

You will have a repeated pattern in them, but they aren't repeatable themselves!


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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and BB00, I think you were missing the fact that he asked for help creating a seemless image.

Yeah, I caught that from the original post. I was just sticking my nose where it didn't belong to point out that MadJik was aware that his solution was not complete.

I'll take the standard slap on the wrist for this one...:(


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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