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option to set compression level of the image format

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Now I see it, it is available after you press the save button.

maybe it would be a good idea, if you could enter the values in a preference window, so you needn't enter them EACH TIME you want to save a new image

Paint.Net 3.0

Windows XP SP2

A64 3000+, 1GB Ram

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Well, the .jpg compression slider retains its last-set state within that window throughout the session.

For example, I almost always save my .jpg's at 100% quality. If, before closing the window, I make a change and re-save the image as a .jpg, the slider stays at 100% insetad of reverting to the default 95%. However, once that window is closed, you have to re-set the slider next time you open Paint.NET.

Perhaps this compression value could be made to retain its last state indefinitely, but, to me, it's really not a problem. Of course, setting it to 100% requires less fiddling than setting it to, say, 73% or something to that effect.


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