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Tutorial about writing faster plugin code

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I noticed that many plugins do their job, but are far from being optimized for speed. I can do something like that.

I think I have both the professional qualification (I am full-time programmer since 1982) and the academic qualification (I used to be a university professor)

But, two questions arise:

1. Should I do it?

2. Where should I put it?

3. How can I make sure that people will not get offended by it?

Thank you for any feed-back.

Toli Cuturicu

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Why not? You could start to analyse one of my source for improvments. I'm also programmer but I'm learning the C# language by myself. Your adjustments will help me greatly I'm sure...

Be sure to choose an easy plugin so the code is easy as well from beginners to understand...

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I noticed that many plugins do their job, but are far from being optimized for speed. I can do something like that.

I think I have both the professional qualification (I am full-time programmer since 1982) and the academic qualification (I used to be a university professor)

But, two questions arise:

1. Should I do it?

2. Where should I put it?

3. How can I make sure that people will not get offended by it?

Thank you for any feed-back.

Toli Cuturicu

1. Yes

2. Put it (sorce code) in the same plugin topic.

3. Ask the makers first, I'm sure most (if not ALL) of them don't mind a helping hand.

If the makers like what you did. They can add it (change it).


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