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Request: Depth of Field Render (plugin)

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I've seen some images and photos with this technique applied so I went to see if it was plug-able. I found out on dA that a certain member of the Apophisys fan-team-awesome-like-[pyrochild-MKT-Tanel-Madjik-and-everyone-else]-a-great-plugin-maker that it is actually do-able. Again before coming here I went to the huge Wikipedia and researched Depth of Field there. Found something right here :)

As you might already imagine being DOF a common thing among photographers and beings alike :D I found out a lot more than I really wished to know. But still what's the worry of a little more knowledge ( even though I could not properly understand it all :) ). Anyway... I found out that there are a LOT of formulas to determine the DOF at a near distance, far, middle, more intense, less intense, whatever you want to focus there are certain formulas that apply better than the others to that kind of focus. Skipping lots of uninteresting talk (blabadoin')... So.. the big question is:

What's the meaning of life?

Seriously answer please that's my true question...


Which brings another one...

Why would preacher-of-PdN-forums-rules ask something like this in the Gd&Q section and not on the overflow?

Answer: So that he could make 1 out of 4 questions that actually made sense. Am I really a normal person?

[/Out of the off topic]

Conclusion: For what I've seen this is totally do-able and with options like deep focus, depth of focus etc... (all explained in the Wiki).

So is anyone willing to do a plugin complicated like this one? Cause simple is one thing that can't describe this one...

With all the new UI rendering system that Rick made for the 3.20 release it would be easier to make. And it would be even better if it came in the new Photo submenu. wink wink nudge nudge

Again thanks for your time listening to me :D


jeez you guys (and ladies) have no idea how many typos I made writing this one.

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Yeah that is my idea for general not so complex DOF renderization, and yes i've used that technique once or twice. But the formulas generate an unfocus a little different although there is actually a bit of gaussian blur there (it's mentioned somewhere)

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I've seen some images and photos with this technique applied so I went to see if it was plug-able. I found out on dA that a certain member of the Apophisys fan-team-awesome-like-[pyrochild-MKT-Tanel-Madjik-and-everyone-else]-a-great-plugin-maker that it is actually do-able. Again before coming here I went to the huge Wikipedia and researched Depth of Field there. Found something right here

I never install Apophisys :P but thanks BTW.

You should try the gradient blur plugin:


Looking at the Wiki, I think the formulas apply to optical math. The difference between the wiki article and what you are suggesting is:

Wiki: How to take a picture / calculate about optical stuff

You: How to change the aspect of an existing picture

From the code point of view, a pixel is a pixel, there is not DOF information per pixel, it's flat!

What I mean is the plugin won't know which part of the picture to focus/unfocus, you'll have to tell it.

For that, existing methods / plugins are enough


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From the code point of view, a pixel is a pixel, there is not DOF information per pixel, it's flat!

What I mean is the plugin won't know which part of the picture to focus/unfocus, you'll have to tell it.

For that, existing methods / plugins are enough


Agrees, different image will need different adjustments, the only one who should/would know which part is focus/out of focus is the artist, YOU!


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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You should try the gradient blur plugin:


I've worked with it and it's really good, I just wanted to make a suggestion: could the gradient come in various layouts like the :GradientTool: diamond, diagonal, horizontal, vertical, horizontal line, etc...

I'll repeat it in the plugin topic.

anyway thx :D

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