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Well, hello!

First, let me thank you all for helping and sharing your knowledge with the newbies like me :) That's why paint.net is one of the best programs :) available these days.

I was wondering how are all these people on the internet making such a cool logos and banners.

I have several wonderful pictures(3264x2448) and I want to resize them to 530x280. If I keep aspect ratio - then it is impossible to reach that size(530x280). If I resize the images withour aspect ratio some pictures are looking very funny. What is the trick? Must you crop first or must you resize and then crop or what?

Is there any available tutorium, that shows how to make resizing picures easy(with maintain aspect ration turned off) ?

Thank you in advance.


In Paint.NET's menu, you can do a few things to crop/resize the image.

Image :arrow: resize will allow you to resize it while maintaining the aspect ratio.

Image :arrow: crop to selection will allow you to cut off anything not within the selection, and resize the canvas accordingly.

Image :arrow: canvas size will allow you to resize the canvas without resizing the image

Also, when using the Move Selected Pixels tool :MoveTool: , if you hold shift and drag the corners it will maintain the ratio.


Well, it will be smaller and will loose much of its detail. I don't think there's a way around that.


I would resize it to 530x353 instead. Stretching it will inevitably change its quality, however you may want to take a look at this for some ideas:


You can stretch/shrink at certain points of the image that won't really effect how it looks, depending on the image of course.


For example, in my signature:




.............HERE ................... and ................ HERE



I don't like to switch people out of this program, but the best tool to resize any picture up or down without distortion is called "pixresizer" it's free and you go to google search, type in

pix resizer and you will see the link from blue five. save the program to desktop and run from desktop. once installed upload the picture you have and then choose the new size. it will save the picture in any type, gif, jpeg etc.... and you will choose the folder you save it in so you can find it.

hope this helps


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