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Smoothing when brushing.

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I've never used Flash Pro. 8, but I'm going to hazard a guess anyway: wouldn't the Line / Curve Tool ( :LineCurveTool: ) suffice for your straight lining needs? It also has the added bonus that you can shape the created line during the drawing of it, but it can do straight very well. Holding the Shift key while drawing will also snap the line to increments of 15 degrees which includes the usual 180 and 90 degrees.

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Also in Flash, when brushing a stroke quicker it makes it thinner, when slower it makes it thicker. And this results with a nice cartoon effect.

That is available with graphic tablet pressure sensitivity which is only available to Paint.NET users on XP Tablet PC Edition and Vista.

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No no, I've used Flash at school with a mouse, and if you move the mouse slower, it makes the line wider than it would be if you moved the mouse quickly. 'Sgood...


"I am the anarchist, I am the antichrist, I am the walrus, G'JOO G'GOO G'JOOB!"

I dig a pygmy, by Charles Hawtree and the Deaf Aids. Phase One, in which Doris gets her oats.

~John Lennon

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Also, very important, after you draw a straight line, if you RIGHT-CLICK and drag the nodes it turns into a bezier curve.

THAT took me a long time to learn. :D

Took me a while too. Now i can’t live without it. :)

My DA: http://leif-j.deviantart.com/


Some people seek justice so persistent, that they will do great injustice themselves.

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@BoltBait and @Myrddin. you both just opened up a new world for me. now i can get rid of that inkscape program I have so much trouble using. its been sitting dorment on my computor for ages. once in the blue moon I attempt a bezier curve with it. now this is much much easier for me to use. yes! i do love this paint.NET program.

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Oh, right! I didn't know that! Is there some way it can be implemented for mouse users?

With my understanding coupled with that Flash has the same capability, I would say yes, it could be added. However, whether Rick feels the need to implement such a feature and whether he would see benefit to come from this is his prerogative, I don't know his views on adding pressure/speed sensitivity to mouse users nor know what he has planned so I can't make an informed answer.

Rick, any opinions?

Would be cool though.

yes! i do love this paint.NET program.

Yes it is! That feature has been very useful in the past and is an invaluable feature for Line Tool.

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:? Iz confused... I can't say I speak mathematics... What's their practical function, and what's the difference between them and a regular curve?

@ Ghost Ranger: I like the sound of that, it would be really very handy.


"I am the anarchist, I am the antichrist, I am the walrus, G'JOO G'GOO G'JOOB!"

I dig a pygmy, by Charles Hawtree and the Deaf Aids. Phase One, in which Doris gets her oats.

~John Lennon

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I dont know about the mathematic.

But try making half a circle with the regular line tool, and then the Bézier curve. The Bezier can do it in one line. But with the regular you have to split it into several single lines.

At least, that is where I see the great deference. It is much easier to make smooth curves. It is an enormous help for drawing.

My DA: http://leif-j.deviantart.com/


Some people seek justice so persistent, that they will do great injustice themselves.

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Someone should make a thread called "Paint.NET Secrets" or something along those lines...

I believe its called Help Docs. And I'm not being sarcastic but this would be the most probable answer from mods and Rick.

But still Help Docs really are "Help"ful (really bad joke) :D

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