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Suggestion: Simple Right Click for clipboard access

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I would like to suggest the ability to Right Click anywhere in the workspace and get access to my clipboard and a few other things. I am not one for hot keys and when editing photos the only time I touch the keyboard is to enter new file names while saving.

->Right Click



--->Paste into image

--->Paste as New Image

--->Add New Layer (adds layer on top of active layer)

--->Delete Layer (deletes active layer)

--->Layer Properties (Properties for active layer)

This would be nice to see in a right click drop down and would definately encourage me to begin implementing this program into my normal photoediting work flow.

This is a wonderful program and light too. Thanks, I can't believe it's free! :D



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Yeah, I recall this being requested some time ago as well.

The problem Paint.NET faces in that area is the right mouse button is currently used for most tools as an alternate function button, such as filling the area with the background color with the Paint Bucket, creating Bézier curves when dragging the nodes with the Line / Curve tool, and subtracting from the current selection when used with a Selection tool.

At the time, I remember Rick mentioned that there is a way to have both the cake and the ice cream in this instance, but he didn't elaborate as to how, when, or whether it'd happen.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

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All of the the above mentioned options are available in the main menu (no keyboard required). Also, the right-click mouse function is integrated into many of the standard tools. Adding a right-click menu would interfere too much.


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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Yeah, I recall this being requested some time ago as well.

The problem Paint.NET faces in that area is the right mouse button is currently used for most tools as an alternate function button, such as filling the area with the background color with the Paint Bucket, creating Bézier curves when dragging the nodes with the Line / Curve tool, and subtracting from the current selection when used with a Selection tool.

At the time, I remember Rick mentioned that there is a way to have both the cake and the ice cream in this instance, but he didn't elaborate as to how, when, or whether it'd happen.

All of the the above mentioned options are available in the main menu (no keyboard required). Also, the right-click mouse function is integrated into many of the standard tools. Adding a right-click menu would interfere too much.

I see your points. Unlike my current software used (Paint Shop Pro X, Used since version 5.0) i am finding there is a great deal of versatility in the current right click set up with Paint.net. With PSP X if you have the "move selection tool" selected you have access to a right click drop down with similar options as mentioned in my last post.

I am aware of the main menu. I was just suggesting some central expedience but as I delve deeper into this program I am finding the merit of it's current configuration.

Thanks for the reply.



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The problem was that currently there is no boilerplate code for all tools to easily determine "right click" versus "right mouse button stuff." And no easy way for the tools to auto-populate the list, and also fill it with commands that are useful but not related to the current tool. It'd be a sizable amount of code to do it right, or a small amount of code to hack or "spike" it in in such a way that makes things harder for me later on. It isn't necessarily difficult work, it just isn't the right time to implement it since I have plans for a lot of other churn in this area for v4.0+ anyway.

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