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Creating Modern Day Civil War Pictures

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Hello gentleman, new to paint. I was just curious, if I could turn any old picture I have on my computer into one of those old, civil war looking pictures. Gray and white. Scratchy look to it. (not familiar with the terms.) Just curious if its possible on paint. If so, how would I go about it. My knowledge is limited, therefore I am at your doorsteps.

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“Now is the time to use the Color Balance plug-in. I adjusted the image 10 points toward yellow.”

Is this a must for antiquing a picture? I am unable to d/l it. Is there another way around this?

Now it needs a vignette. Flatten the image. Then, add a new layer. Make a box around the edges in your new layer with the brush size set to around 20 pixels. Then Gaussian blur it so it has a very smooth, transparent look. I use a setting of 70.

Could anyone explain this part to me a little better. When I “flatten” an image, I am combing the original three layers? When I add this “new” layer, which is a square box if I’m not mistaking, I make a box around the edges how exactly? If someone could explain that part to me, it would be greatly appreciated. I am actually going to select the paint brush feature for this? And how would I locate the setting to adjust pixels. One again, any help for this newcomer would be appreciated.

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Could anyone explain this part to me a little better. When I “flatten” an image, I am combing the original three layers?

Yes you are.

When I add this “new” layer...

Just hit :AddNewLayer: .

...which is a square box if I’m not mistaking, I make a box around the edges how exactly? If someone could explain that part to me, it would be greatly appreciated.

You could use the rectangle box tool ( :RectangleTool: ), or use the "Borders and Shapes" plugin, or any other plugin that lets you add borders.

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“Now is the time to use the Color Balance plug-in. I adjusted the image 10 points toward yellow.”

Is this a must for antiquing a picture? I am unable to d/l it. Is there another way around this?

Why are you not able to download this? Maybe I could help you with this.

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"Now it needs a vignette. Flatten the image. Then, add a new layer. Make a box around the edges in your new layer with the brush size set to around 20 pixels."

This is where I'm still a little lost. Do I select the paintbrush tool in the tool bar, and make a border in black paint around this new layer with the painting brush?? Also, where do I make the adjustment to 20 pixels?

Or I am selecting an entirely different tool to use here?

Oh, and the download worked like a charm. Thank you, however.

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You want to use the paintbrush (:PaintBrushTool:) and make a border (I think it can be a little squiggly, doesn't really matter) with it. To change the size of the paintbrush, first, you need to have the paintbrush tool selected. Look at the toolbar, just under where it says File Edit and some other stuff, and it should say "Brush width:" and a number beside it. Select this number, and type "20" instead. Or you can click on the little arrow pointing downwards, and select "20". And remember, for this kind of question, try using the help files (on the toolbar where it says "File", click on "Help", and "Paint.NET search". Type in your query, and it should find something to help you).

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