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Alpha contrast plugin request

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Hey y'all, I was wondering if it was possible to make an adjustement plug-in to change the number of alpha possibilities in an image.


Joe has just gaussian blurred a black rectangle. What he wants to do now, is to set a number of possible alpha values: instead of 0-255, he wants 0-25. That means he only wants 25 different alpha values in his picture.


Bill has a gradient, that contains 255 shades of grey, including black and white. He uses the brightness contrast adjustement to take down the number of shades to 25, by setting the contrast high.

In this analogy, white=low alpha and black=high alpha.

gradsm.png :arrow: gradha.png

I'm not sure if I'm clear enough on this. It's pretty much "Alpha Brightness Contrast". It would make antialiasing much easier. It would also be good if this plug-in had an "Spread" and "Antialias" slider. The spread slider would spread the shades through the image gradually, whereas the antialias one would do pretty much the same thing as the contrast adjustement above.

It's very difficult to explain this, please tell me if you don't understand. Actually tell me if you happen to understand.

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Boltbait's Channel blur allows you to "spread" your "alpha" channel and your RGB channels if needed.

If you are working with making masks, then Levels and Brighness/Contrast do pretty much all you are asking for.

If not, then Pyro's Curves+ seems like it would be more than capable to meet all of your needs...


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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If I'm right, it woil only need a one slider UI and mabye some coding to define the aplha reduction....

Basically, you'd have to set a value to the amount of aplha's values you want, and then just have some equations to do that, I'm guessing the idea of writing it seems simple, but really, I'd think it would be a tad complicated. Then again, most plug-in's are :D

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If I'm right, it woil only need a one slider UI and mabye some coding to define the aplha reduction....

Basically, you'd have to set a value to the amount of aplha's values you want, and then just have some equations to do that, I'm guessing the idea of writing it seems simple, but really, I'd think it would be a tad complicated. Then again, most plug-in's are :D

Obviously :lol::roll:

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