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Make background of an image transparent

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That option refers to the translucency of the on-screen windows (the toolbox, the history window, the colors window, and the layers window), so it doesn't really apply to your problem.

Making an image transparent is a far more difficult process, for the most part; the computer can't tell a difference between the background and foreground automatically. Take a look at the tutorial "Cutting out images the Easy Way!" for a brief introduction on extracting images from the background. EDIT: Also, there's a tutorial with almost the exact same title which is stickied in the Tutorials section.

Hope that helps!


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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I am creating square dance move animations, and basically creating a "tool kit" of components that may be 'dropped' into a 135X132 pixel box. This thread addresses the minor problem I am having ... cutting down an image into its minimum size. The 'male' figures are fairly easy to handle, since they are simple squares; the 'female' figures are my problem, since they are circles. My first attempt at creating a female figure generated a 20X20 pixel image ... and it turns out that only 17X17 is really required. The leads in this thread will allow me to pare my components down to size. Thank you!

BTW, I was looking for an 'introductions' board (or thread), and having found none, decided to make some post somewhere to see what my mini-profile updating looks like. Sorry if I am resurrecting a very old thread, of no further use to anyone. BigWink.gif

GooRooBanner.gif Gruntz! The brain-powered puzzle game from Monolith Productions, Inc.
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...or, if you want to post an introduction, just do so in the Overflow forum; specifically in the thread would be good.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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