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Dear Everyone,

I was aware that the 'Crop' function is from 'Selection' then Image->'Crop to selection'. So my question is, do Paint.Net got the 'Fixed Size' selection function like Photoshop where we can select based on default size or key-in size?

I want to crop my image exactly into 4R (4"x6").

Im sorry if this is a repeated question. Thanks for the advice :D


I don't think that's what he's looking for at all. However, you can set the Units to Inches, draw a 4" x 6" rectangle (pay attention to the status bar), then move it around with the Move Selection tool, and then crop using Crop to Selection.

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NO, I do not believe it haz it but it does have "Canvas size"

Thanks for your advice but this is not what I mean. I just need to crop the photo (let say is A4 size) and Im trying to crop out some part of the photo in 4R size :) If i just use the canvas i will end up with the WHOLE photo of A4 in a 4R size :)

Anyway thanks for your help :) Thanks a lot :)

I don't think that's what he's looking for at all. However, you can set the Units to Inches, draw a 4" x 6" rectangle (pay attention to the status bar), then move it around with the Move Selection tool, and then crop using Crop to Selection.

Yes !! This is what I want !! If I just follow the way you teach me, would it be abit troublesome? And sometimes you know that the human hands is quite shaky where they just cant control the crappy mouse accurately :P

Anyway thanks for your advice. Hope Paint.NET did not let go this feature :)

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