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How to Install Plugins ×



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You misunderstand what ScriptLab does. You have no need of copying the source code; all you need to do is run ScriptLab from within Paint.NET, select which plugins you want to use, and then save it as an SLS file from within the plugin. :-)


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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i was trying to make a plugin from the script,

is that possible?

No. If you want to make plugins, you want CodeLab (viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1096) or PixelLab (viewtopic.php?f=16&t=24415).


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bug found: When a Non-PropertyBasedEffect is followed by a Non-Configurable effect (e.g. Rotate/Zoom and then Invert Colors), the latter will fail to render (fixed for next release)


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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Merry Christmas, everyone, have an update.


ScriptLab 2.4:

-Fixed bug where if a (begin tech-talk) non-Property-based effect in the script was followed by a PropertyBasedEffect that was not Configurable, the latter would fail to render.

-Added a clear button to the search box

ScriptLab Batch Processor 2.4:

-No longer requires an installer. If the user tries to run BP and it's not installed, ScriptLab itself will take care of the installation, requiring only a confirmation and possibly a UAC prompt.


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Thanks for the awesome plugin Pyro! Finally a solution to use PdN's superb Auto Levels on multiple images.

Unfortunately I get an error message when trying to install ScriptLab Batch Processor by pressing the Batch Processor button at the bottom of the ScriptLab window.

A messagebox is displayed:

Title: ScriptLab

Msg: ScriptLab Batch Processor could not be installed. Try again logged into Windows as an Administrator. (This will only need to be done once.)

This comes up while I am logged in as an admin. :( I got the same problem on a virtual machine as well as my physical PC, both running XP SP3. I used the same user account for installing PdN and trying to use the plugin.

I've got .NET 2.0 SP2, 3.0 SP2, and 3.5 SP1 installed.

I am using PdN v3.36 Final Release.

pyrochild.effects.common.dll v2.5.3298.19513

ScriptLab.dll v2.4.3284.31448

Any ideas what could be wrong, or any workarounds I should try?

If no-one can think of anything... I know old versions are not recommended, but maybe I could have a go at ScriptLab 2.2, possibly on a previous version of PdN? (I couldn't try this because I couldn't find ScriptLab 2.2.)

I also have a Windows 7 (public beta 1) installation, I could try installing on that if you want me to. I haven't tried because it's a beta OS so the results may not mean anything.

Many thanks for your help!

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This comes up while I am logged in as an admin.

Unless you are running on the actual admin account that you can't get at without typing some special commands, although you have an admin account, you are not running ScriptLab as an admin* - to do so right-click on and select "run as administrator."

*This is assuming Windows 7's UAC works similarly to Vista's - I haven't used Windows 7 much.

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To clarify what Simon Brown said, close out of Paint.NET, right click on the Paint.NET icon and choose the option "Run as Administrator." Try installing Batch Processor. Let me know how it goes.

I'm no expert when it comes to Windows security. Haha.


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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Thanks Simon and pyro,

I'm using XP SP3. I Just mentioned Win7 in case you wanted me to test the plugin on it.

I've already tried running as the main "Administrator" admin, as well logging in to a custom admin account that I created, and doing it from there. (I also uninstalled and reinstalled PdN.)

I don't think it should make a difference which admin I use - I think all standard admins should have full access to all files in Windows. First I thought it could be an issue of file ownership, but I discarded this idea after trying all admin accounts I have.

I searched around for possible culprits in Group Policy settings. But, after all, if the user (admin) could install Paint.NET and everything else on my system (including Windows Updates), surely it must have all necessary permits and settings to install anything. :?

I actually doubt whether this really is a problem with permissions.

As far as I know, every Windows process carries a user access token, and all processes started by the first process inherit that token. After running Paint.NET as Administrator, I checked task manager, and the owner of the process was Administrator all right. I use this account to install things all the time, so I know it has the permits.

For ScriptLab (or the Batch Processor installer) NOT to have the permits, it would probably have to start a new process, and/or use the credentials of a non-admin user. I'm not sure how this could work though - I don't understand how the plugins are fired from PdN.

I'm happy to try anything you suggest... :|


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I don't think it should make a difference which admin I use - I think all standard admins should have full access to all files in Windows. First I thought it could be an issue of file ownership, but I discarded this idea after trying all admin accounts I have.

See this: http://www.computerworld.com/action/art ... Id=9001970

But that was purely for informational purposes - I urge you not to do it.

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I can't believe my life is so boring and sad, but I spent most of today solving this.

This problem affects all Windows XP SP3 machines I have access to - it didn't want to install the Batch Processor on any of them. However, it installed onto Windows 7 without any problems. So I went on to compare the ProcMon output of the successful and unsuccessful cases.

I managed to trace the problem to certain registry keys. It looks like shell32.dll couldn't get the runas command (cmd.exe command path and parameters) from either of these registry keys:


None of these keys contain the runas command in XP SP3, but one of them does in Win7 (and I assume Vista), where the installation was successful:

Length:	82
Data:	%SystemRoot%\System32\cmd.exe /C "%1" %*

So I figured creating the key in XP will solve the problem. To make sure I used the correct path on my system, I checked and found that XP does have a runas command, but in a different place: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\batfile\shell\runas\command. The data type here is REG_SZ instead of REG_EXPAND_SZ, but I hoped it wouldn't make a difference - the data string was the same.

So I manually added runas\command into the already existing HKCR\batfile\shell, entered %SystemRoot%\System32\cmd.exe /C "%1" %* into the (Default) value's data field, then restared Windows.

It still didn't work, because after successfully finding the cmd path, now it went looking for the non-existent HKCR\batfile\shell\runas\ddeexec. On Win7 it did nothing like this, so I figured the data type may be significant.

In Windows XP you cannot create a (Default) value of the REG_EXPAND_SZ type from the regedit UI :| . You need to create the key by using a .reg file. The string needs to be in hex, using hex(2) as the type (credits to DentArthurDent: http://forum.piriform.com/lofiversion/i ... 12205.html).

So I deleted the runas key I created before, and used this script to add the same as before, but using REG_EXPAND_SZ instead of REG_SZ:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



(This is not guaranteed to work on your machine, and I take no responsibility if you break your registry. Also, I can't attach a .reg file to this post, so if you want to use this, you need to create the .reg file for yourself. Remember to leave a blank line at the end!)

After a restart, I could install the Batch Processor! :wink: It was still weird though, because it asked for Administrator credentials even though I was using an admin account.

:?: I've got one question though - how do I set the output format? It uses PNG for me, but I'd like to use JPG (or whatever the original format is). I couldn't find a way to set a default format.


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Hmm, you have no life. It's ok. Neither do I. Especially today, since I've been stuck in bed sick all day. Useful information, though. I'll definitely make sure to test out the install on XP SP3 to make sure things go smoothly in the future.

The current version of Batch Processor can't set the output format. That will be in the next version, as well as some goodies like batch resizing and whatnot.

Why wouldn't I add something like that in the first version? Well, I've always considered ScriptLab and Batch Processor to be more of a coding experiment rather than an actual product.


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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  • 2 months later...

Hey Pyro...Lovin' the plug-ins...But i would be lovin' it more if i could get the batch processor working...At first i thought it was this error with the XPSP3 error...but i checked and i'm running on XPSP2....

Same problems as everyone else...Refusing to install due to "Lack of administrative privileges"

I have tried everything i can think of...Made new Admin accounts...tried running PDN as said Admin...Tried running as this admin...This is the only user on the computer(Except for the one i made to try and install it) and it is definitely the admin...And i have run the program as an admin...

Un-installed and Re-installed...Is there anyother way of installing this?Because i would rather like it as i am working on a project...

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Rolling my own setup solution internally in ScriptLab was a Profoundly Bad Idea™. Complication after complication, you know? The next version will be using NSIS, a specialized setup program, to install. Until then, here's a zip containing the files you need to get Batch Processor working. Read the readme.txt for instructions.


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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