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Hello all - I'm a "newbie" to Paint.Net and to this forum and I have a question right out of the gate!

I have searched high and low in this forum, plug-ins and ?'s & Gen. Discuss., and to no avail I cannot find any mention of how best to fix (remove) the Purple Fringe I get in SOME photos I get with my Fuji FinePix S700. I kind of expected a plug-in would be here already and some discussion regarding the removal of purple fringe but couldn't fine any references at all.

Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI has an "One Button" fix that removes purple fringe almost instantly in my photos and I think there are plug-ins available for Adobe PhotoShop Elements but I could be wrong on that one.

So any input anyone can provide would be most helpful!

Rod :?:


Thanks for your reply, Mr. Frojo,

I'll try to find the color filter and tint you speak of and see if that will help. As for attaching sample photo's I'm not sure how to do that here either......I think it's done!





Conditional Hue & Saturation might be able to help too :) It's stickied in the plugin section of the forum :)


Son, someday you will make a girl happy for a short period of time. Then she'll leave you & be with men that are ten times

better than you can imagine. These men are called musicians. :D


Well, I installed and played with the Conditional Hue & Saturation plug-in and I'm not saying it doesn't remove purple fringe but I tried this setting and that setting and it's gonna take more time than I want to spend trying to remove the purple.

I'll try your color balance PI later today.

Anyone else have any ideas please post them and Thanks in Advance!



Adjustments/Autolevel. Maybe?

As for a quicker way to fix that, there isnt a one button fix all feature in paint.NET. Theres a reason why paint shop pro and photoshop are commercial products. There are a lot of ways to fix stuff like this in paint.net, but it would require using a plugin like we've shown you, which although they get the job done, they arnt as fast as commercial products would be.

I'm still alive!


WOW! WOW! WOW! Way to go ASH!!!!!!

I had a feeling it could be done. ASH - is there some way you can show me the settings used to remove the purple fringe?

Rod :shock:


Thanks , ASH - works like a dream! Much appreciated!

I would normally say this thread can now be deleted but since it was the only thread that contains the words, "Purple Fringe", and since there are lots and lots of folks looking for a fix/How To remove purple fringe, just check Google, I would suggest this thread be saved for others who may need some help. Just a suggestion!

Thanks again, Ash.....

Rod - OUT!


Hey Ash,

I was wondering if it is possible to have the Conditional Hue/Saturation plug-in to "open" with the settings you have posted to remove purple fringe; and if you need to change settings for something else you still can make adjustments, but the default would be the settings you posted earlier in this thread. Just wondering......it would be like a One Click FIX plug-in!

Rod :P


That isn't possible, it isn't too hard to find the settings you need & some pictures may need a bit more or less adjustment than others so it's no bad thing really.


Son, someday you will make a girl happy for a short period of time. Then she'll leave you & be with men that are ten times

better than you can imagine. These men are called musicians. :D


Actually, with Pyro's new ScriptLab plugin, it is :-) Just create a script that consists of just the adjustments you want, and save it. Then just run ScritptLab with that script every time you want to use that adjustment! You can throw other common adjustments in there, too. Quite handy. :-)


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.


OK, David, Thanks.

I'll hunt down ScripLab, I assume, it will be in the Plug-in section and give it a try.

Thanks for your advice!


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