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Using callout features to create speech in simple sketches

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I'm a new user of Paint.NET.

I have a small problem and I would appreciate some assistance. I'm starting a new blog and I want to use Paint.NET to do some very basic sketches to add to some of my posts. I want to show the characters within my sketches speaking some simple dialogues.

In order to do this, I have been trying to find some form of callout feature (where words spoken by a character are contained within a balloon or cloud projecting outwards from the speaker's mouth) which I could use. The callout features similar to those in Microsoft Word would be perfect.

Does anyone know if Paint.NET has a callout function? I have not been able to find it. I had a brief look through the help topics and the tutorials within this forum and was unable to find anything related to callouts.

I would be most appreciative of any feedback in relation to this matter which helps me to solve my problem.

Thanks and kind regards

Andrew Heaton

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You could try installing a font that creates speech bubbles (callouts), such as Talk

You can then use the text tool to create your callouts and then type the "speech" text over them in onother layer.

If you need assistance installing and using new fonts with Paint.NET see this topic Installing Fonts, an elaboration...

Hope this helps.



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