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There isn't a menu item for the above Subject line.

Why not? Is it in the works? Are there too many serious bugs that need attention for the developers to include an Options page?

I was going to set the PDN options for my desktop to open the last file automatically instead of opening to a blank project, but discovered there were no options to set.

(Please relocate this post if it belongs under a heading other than "Questions & General Discussion")


Avoid Sears Home Improvement (click to read why)


http://searchpaint.net - 'options'. Another hint: fourth paragraph down the blog.

In the meantime you can go to the Choose Defaults Dialog which is located on the left hand side in the Tools drop down, not on the menu bar but above the Tools window. If you don't know where I mean take a look at this page to see its location:


Any help :D?


I know this has been asked a few times and Rick has made it pretty clear that aside from giving us a few tool default settings (as mentioned above by Myrddin) that there would never be an options/configuration dialog.


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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