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Paint.NET v2.6 Alpha 2 is now available

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Mostly bug fixes this time, along with the Crop command added to the toolbar. Get it in the usual places: (1) the download page ( http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/paint.net/download.html ), or (2) updater (File -> Updates -> Check Now, and make sure that "Also check for Beta releases" is turned on).

Here's the list of changes since Alpha 1:

* Fixed crash with Reflect and Glow layer blend modes

* Desaturate adjustment was renamed to "Black and White"

* Crop to Selection added to the toolbar and given a shortcut key (Ctrl + Shift + X)

* Full installer size reduced by 5 MB

* Antialiasing and Alpha Blending settings are now remembered between sessions of Paint.NET

* Fixed a crash when opening certain older PDN files

* Fixed a crash in the Clone Stamp tool

* Fixed the problem where changing the system resolution while Paint.NET was minimized would make it difficult to restore the window

* Fixed a crash in the Image -> Resize dialog

* Fixed crashes related to loading the ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll assembly

This is an alpha release and will expire on January 18th, 2006, although an update will be availble before then. The final release will not expire.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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